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Andrew Lancaster

From ISOGG Wiki

My genealogy

I am an Australian of British, Irish and apparently just a bit of Norwegian descent. I live in Belgium.

I have a : genealogy webpage

This website includes some, mostly out of date, which are general resources to genetic genealogists. They are just basic cluster studies of groups within R1b, mostly connected to Scotland and work on Livingstone related surnames:-


My genetic genealogy

I am a member of ISOGG, and a frequenter of various internet discussion forums. Apart from Y testing, I have been tested by 23andMe and had a full mitochondrial sequencing etc, but my main interest is still Y DNA research, and trying to link it genealogy.

I have published one review article in JOGG (on E1b1b1), and one letter to the European Journal of Human Genetics (concerning Cruciani et al's article on R-V88 in Africa). (I also once published an article on Medieval Lancaster genealogy.)

I am a promoter of gathering together of mini-clusters of closely related families. Here is one I am especially associated with, which contains my grand-mother's Livingstone family.

I am an admin of the following DNA projects:

  1. Lancaster/Satterthwaite The Lancaster, Lancashire, Satterthwaite, Satterfield, Satterwhite etc surname project.
  2. The Livingston/Clan MacLea project. Surnames include Livingston, McClay, Macleay, Levack, Dunleavy, Dunlavy etc. (This project has links to the Clan MacLea, of the Isle of Lismore in Scotland.)
  3. The Rossington surname project

I am also co-admin of:

  1. The E-M35 Phylogeny Project. (I run their wiki
  2. The British Isles DNA Project. I have tried starting a blog
  3. The Spence DNA Surname Project

I am a member of the T FGS mitochondrial DNA Project, and have sponsored relatives into many other projects where I am not an admin such as Robinson (surname), Willis (surname), Hampshire (regional), Barnett (surname), East Anglia (regional), the R-L21 project, etc.

My User pages on other Wikis

English Wikipedia. Wikipedia:User:Andrew Lancaster

Genealogy Wikia. Wikia:Genealogy:User:Andrew Lancaster

E-M35 Project "Haplowiki" [1]


UEP testing results: E-V13* (M35+ M78+ M96+ P2+ V13+ V36+ M107- M123- M136- M148- M165- M224- M281- M34- M81- V12- V19- V22- V27- V32- V65-)

References to Y DNA results: FT DNA kit 22762, Ysearch EGV8G, Ybase WFAQ2

My male line has been traced back into the 1700s, 8 generational steps to Richard Lancaster of Colne in Lancashire. It is a very close match for several Lancaster families from the same region, who seem to all gravitate around the Lancaster family of Gisburn, Yorkshire.

We do not know why, but my Lancasters are extremely close matches with the apparent main lines of families named after the Lake District hamlet of Satterthwaite (Satterfield, Satterwhite, Satterthwait etc). Recently we have also discovered that both surname groups share an SNP, named L143 by FT DNA.

My Mitochondrial results

HVR1 differences from CRS

16126C 16294T 16296T 16325C 16519C

HVR2 differences from CRS

73G 263G 315.1C

CR differences from CRS

709A 750G 1438G 1888A 2706G 2850C (defines T2a1a along with 7022) 4216C 4688C 4769G 4917G 7022C (defines T2a1a along with 2850) 7028T 8697A 8860G 10463C 11251G 11719A 11812G 13368A 13965C (defines T2a) 14233G 14687G (defines T2a1) 14766T 14905A 15326G 15452A 15607G 15928A

I am in T2a1a (proposed name on phylotree as of early 2009).

This line can be traced back to Bedfordshire around Luton, about 1800.

From the phylotree website it appears I have perfect matches in India (perhaps not because I have 16519 but lack 5892?) and the Caucasus?