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From ISOGG Wiki is a free and shared family tree website with DNA features that balances privacy and collaboration. Community members privately collaborate with close family members on modern family history and publicly collaborate with other genealogists on deep ancestry. Since all the private and public profiles are connected on the same system this process is helping to grow a single, worldwide family tree that will eventually connect us all and thereby make it free and easy for anyone to discover their roots.

DNA Features

Y Chromosome (Y-DNA)

The genetic genealogy company can be selected along with the Y-DNA haplogroup, number of markers tested, and the test company user-name. Comments (e.g. haplogroup clarification, additional SNP testing, confirmed lines) and external links can be entered in a note field. Members who have uploaded to mitoYDNA can also input their mitoYDNA ID.

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)

The genetic genealogy company can be selected along with the mtDNA haplogroup, test type (HVR1, HVR1 and HVR2, or Full Sequence), and the test company user-name. Comments and external links can be entered in a note field. Members who have uploaded to mitoYDNA can also input their mitoYDNA ID.

Autosomal DNA (auDNA, aka atDNA)

Members with autosomal DNA results (from 23andMe, AncestryDNA, Family Tree DNA's Family Finder, Living DNA, and MyHeritage) can input which companies they tested with, and their Family Tree DNA kit number or AncestryDNA user name. WikiTree automatically displays other atDNA tested persons who are within 3rd cousins of each other. Members who have uploaded to GEDmatch can also input their GEDmatch ID.

X Chromosome (X-DNA)

Seven generations of a person's ancestors who could have contributed to a person's X chromosome can be automatically displayed:

View sample X-DNA ancestry chart

Seven generations of a person's descendants who could have inherited portions of that person's X chromosome can also be automatically displayed:

View sample X-DNA descendant chart

DNA Ancestor Confirmation Aid

A tool for using Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA testing for confirmation of the position of each father and mother in a person's family tree.

Additional Features

The URLs for ancestral trees, descendant charts, direct paternal lines, direct maternal lines, X chromosome ancestors and descendants can be shared and provide links to live information.

External links