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SNP SYMBOLS: Not on 2006 tree Confirmed within subclade Provisional Private |
Q MEH2, M242, P36
Q* -
Q1 M120, M265/N14
� �
Q1* -
� �
Q1a M378
Q2 M25, M143
Q3 M3
� �
Q3* -
� �
Q3a M19
� �
Q3b M194
� �
Q3c M199
Q4 P48
Q5 M323
(called Q4 in Shen 2004 and, with queried status, Q6 in 2005 tree)
Q6 M346
(originally called Q4 in Sengupta 2006)
Y-DNA haplogroup Q arose in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas. Today it is found in North Eurasia, with some exemplars in European populations. The Q3 sub-group is almost exclusively associated with Native American populations.
Bortolini et al, Y-Chromosome Evidence for Differing Ancient Demographic Histories in the Americas. American Journal of Human Genetics, 73:524�539, (2003).Cinnioglu et al,
Excavating Y-chromosome Haplotype Strata in Anatolia. (pdf) Human Genetics. 114:127-148, 2004.
Deng et al, Evolution
and Migration History of the Chinese Population Inferred from the Chinese Y-chromosome Evidence.
(pdf) Journal of Human Genetics, 49:339-348, 2004.
Regueiro et al,
Iran: Tricontinental Nexus for Y-Chromosome Driven Migration. (abstract)
Human Heredity, Vol. 61, No 3, 132-143, 2006.
Sengupta et al,
Polarity and Temporality of High Resolution Y-chromosome Distributions in India
Identify Both Indigenous and Exogenous Expansions and Reveal Minor Genetic Influence
of Central Asian Pastoralists. (pdf)
American Journal of Human Genetics, 78:202-221, 2006.
Shen et al, Reconstruction
of Patrilineages and Matrilineages of Samaritans and other Israeli Populations from Y-Chromosome
and Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Variation. (pdf) Human Mutation, 24:248-260, 2004.
Su et al,
Y-chromosome Evidence for a Northward Migration of Modern Humans into Eastern Asia
during the Last Ice Age. (pdf) American Journal of Human Genetics, 65:1718-1724, 1999.
Additional Resources:
Rebekah Canada, yDNA Haplogroup Q
Rebekah Canada, The yDNA Haplogroup Q Project
Corrections/Additions made since 20 December 2006:
Contact person for Haplogroup Q: David Wilson
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