Links in the Haplogroup column lead to the haplogroup page to which the snp belongs. Links from RefSNP ID (aka rs numbers)
leads to data from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) website. The Y-position NCBI36 (UCSC hg18)
used to link to the Family Tree Y-DNA Chromosome Browser which is currently inactive. Links from the Y-position GRCh37 (UCSC hg19) lead to either the new ISOGG browser by Thomas Krahn or to
the UC Santa Cruz browser.
References: NCBI,
Explanation of SNPs with Extension Numbers.
The ISOGG SNP Index web page lists the SNPs which are either on the ISOGG Y Haplotree, or that are or have been under active investigation and consideration for addition to the Y Haplotree. The SNPs listed here are less than 10% of the currently known SNPs.
Additional SNPs are listed in the ISOGG SNP Compendium Spreadsheet. The compendium is an Excel 2010 spreadsheet that currently contains approximately 10,000 additional SNPS. The eventual goal is that it will be a complete listing of of known Y-SNPs. Note that SNPs listed in the Compendium may be unsubstantiated, may not be available for testing at any commercial testing company, and many have not been placed on the Y Haplotree.Contact person for SNP Index: David Reynolds
LINKS: Main Page Y-DNA Tree Trunk Papers/Presentations Cited Glossary Listing Criteria |