The entire work is identified by the Version Number and date given on the Main Page. Directions for citing the document are given at the bottom of the Main Page.
Because of continuing research, the structure of the Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree changes and ISOGG does its best to keep the tree updated with the latest developments in the field. The viewer may observe other versions of the tree on the Web. Email Ray Banks if the differences need clarification or if you find any broken links on this page.
LINKS: Main Page Y-DNA Tree Trunk SNP Index Papers/Presentations Cited Glossary Listing Criteria |
FONT COLORS: Newly confirmed in 2016 within subclade Confirmed within subclade Investigational items |
^ Indicates a next-generation sequencing
entry which does not yet meet quality guidelines for minimum number of
^^ Indicates an entry which does not meet quality guidelines but may be
~ Indicates only an approximate location on the tree.
The criteria for a representative SNP printed in bold for a subclade is: traditional usage, testing one in multiple labs, and/or being found in the area of the chromosome used in recent research studies.
SNPs listed below in italics (colored black or red) are quality variants from next-generation sequencing reports consistently showing as representing that subgroup.
Contact people for Haplogroup Q: Leonard Trujillo and Vladimir Gurianov
Q M242,
CTS3727/L808/M1105, CTS4717/M997, CTS7532/M1133, F826/M1064,
F1237.1/M1077.1/V2083.1, F1293/M1080/V2215, F1728/M1092,
F1829/M992/Z801, F2603/M1020, F3067/M1150, F4052/M1063, FGC1751,
FGC1753/Y1984, FGC1754/Y1987, FGC1755, FGC1757/Y2000, FGC1985,
FGC4603/Y1972, FGC6793, FGC7649/Y2365, FGC12193, M1047,
M1074, M1154, M1163, M1166
Q1 L232/S432,
L273.1/M2690.1, L274
� Q1~ P36.2
� �
Q1a MEH2,
CTS97/M1062, CTS511/M1065/Z796, CTS1845/M1087, CTS2006/M1088,
CTS3122/M1100, CTS3717/M1104, CTS4793, CTS4849/M1111,
CTS5301/M1117/Z804, CTS5804/M1122, CTS6354/M1126, CTS7056/M1131,
CTS7611/M1134, CTS7686/M1136, CTS10772/M1170, CTS11133/M1173,
F1304/M1081, F1426/M1083, F2360/M1128, F2656/M1140,
F2676/L528, F2790/M1142, F2840/M1144, FGC6786/Y2465, FGC6787,
FGC6788/Y2466, FGC6789/Y2467, FGC6790/Y2464, FGC6792/Y2468,
FGC6794/Y2475, FGC8092, FGC8413, FGC8415, FGC10649, M1085, M1155,
M1158, M1165, M1168, M1169
� � �
Q1a1 F1096,
F844, F1215, F1251, F2371,
F2786, F3243, SK1914, Y587,
Y588, Y592, Y601, Y604, Y627, Y663, Y664, Y692, Y706, Z19218, Z19219,
Z19220, Z19221, Z19222, Z19223
� � � �
Q1a1a F746/NWT01
� � � � �
Q1a1a1 M120,
� � � � � Q1a1a1~
F745, F818, F1062, F1111, F1202, F1298, F1303, F1340, F1505, F1522,
F1523, F1626, F1762, F1830, F1843, F1861, F1908, F1966, F2054, F2086,
F2094, F2743, F2753, F3019, F3022, F3419, F3513, F3625, F4164, F4295
� � � �
Q1a1b M25,
� � � � Q1a1b~
L697.2, L714, L716
� � � � �
Q1a1b1 L712
� � � � �
Q1a1b1a L713,
L715, M365.3
� � �
Q1a2 M346,
L56/S324, L57, CTS2656/L892,
F2122/L942, F3773/L474
� � � Q1a2~
L717, L718
� � � �
Q1a2a L53/S326,
L55, L213, L331, L475, L476
� � � � Q1a2a~
CTS2869/Z800, Z797, Z798, Z802, Z803, Z805, Z806
� � � � �
Q1a2a1 L54
� � � � �
Q1a2a1a CTS11969/M930,
� � � � �
� �
Q1a2a1a1 M3,
� � � � �
� � �
Q1a2a1a1a M19
� � � � �
� � �
Q1a2a1a1b M194
� � � � �
� � �
Q1a2a1a1c M199,
P106, P292
� � � � �
� � �
Q1a2a1a1d L663
� � � � �
� � �
Q1a2a1a1e SA01
� � � � �
� � �
Q1a2a1a1f L766
� � � � �
� � � Q1a2a1a1g~
CTS4795/Z776, CTS9220/Z773, CTS10359/Z774, L767, L888, L889, L890,
L891, Z768, Z769, Z770, Z771, Z772, Z775
� � � � �
� �
Q1a2a1a2 L804,
� � � � �
� � Q1a2a1a3~
� � � � �
Q1a2a1b CTS1780/M981,
M971/Z780, CTS2730/M988
� � � � �
� �
Q1a2a1b1 L191
� � � � �
� �
Q1a2a1b2 L569,
L570, L571
� � � � �
� � � Q1a2a1b2a~
L567, L619.1
� � � � �
Q1a2a1c L330,
� � � � �
� �
Q1a2a1c1 L329,
L332, L333
� � � � � Q1a2a2~
L565, L568, Z777, Z778, Z779, Z781, Z782, Z783, Z786, Z787, Z788, Z789,
Z790, Z791, Z792, Z793, CTS10848/Z794, Z795
� � � �
Q1a2b F835/L940
� � � � Q1a2b~
F1161, F1513, F1872, F2125, F3567
� � � � �
Q1a2b1 L527,
L529.1, L639
� � � � �
Q1a2b2 L933,
L938, L941
� � � � �
Q1a2b2a L205.2/L939.2/S239.2
� � � � �
� Q1a2b2a~
L932, L934, L935, L936, L937
� � � �
Q1a2c M323.1
� �
Q1b L275,
F711/L612, F713, F753, F803, F815, F911, F1082, F1126, F1169, F1205,
F1280, F1337, F1406, F1528, F1537, F1858, F1875, F1924, F1974, F2023,
F2145, F2250, F2313, F2343, F2440, F2532, F2593, F2628, F2657, F2777,
F2851, F2894, F2934, F3084, F3121, F3193, F3207, F3389, F3621, F3675,
F3680, FGC1762/Y1979, FGC7652/Y1992, L314, L606, M10886,
Y1014, Y1015, Y1017, Y1018, Y1019, Y1020, Y1021, Y1022, Y1024,
Y1025, Y1026, Y1027, Y1028, Y1029, Y1030, Y1032, Y1033, Y1034, Y1035,
Y1036, Y1037, Y1038, Y1039, Y1040, Y1041, Y1042, Y1043, Y1044, Y1045,
Y1046, Y1047, Y1048, Y1049, Y1050, Y1051, Y1052, Y1053, Y1054, Y1055,
Y1056, Y1057, Y1059, Y1060, Y1061, Y1062, Y1063, Y1064, Y1065, Y1066,
Y1067, Y1068, Y1069, Y1070, Y1071, Y1072, Y1073, Y1074, Y1075, Y1076,
Y1077, Y1078, Y1079, Y1080, Y1081, Y1082, Y1083, Y1084, Y1085, Y1086,
Y1087, Y1088, Y1089, Y1090, Y1091, Y1092, Y1093, Y1094, Y1095, Y1096,
Y1097, Y1098, Y1099, Y1100, Y1101, Y1102, Y1103, Y1104, Y1105, Y1106,
Y1107, Y1108, Y1109, Y1110, Y1111, Y1112, Y1113, Y1114, Y1115, Y1116,
Y1117, Y1118, Y1119, Y1120, Y1121, Y1122, Y1123, Y1124, Y1125, Y1126,
Y1127, Y1128, Y1129, Y1130, Y1131, Y1132, Y1133, Y1134, Y1135, Y1136,
Y1137.2, Y1139, Y1142, Y1153, Y1159, Y1160, Y1164, Y1166, Y1167, Y1169,
Y1194, Y1195, Y1220, Y1240, Y1978, Y1980, Y1981, Y1982, Y1983, Y1986,
Y1988, Y1989, Y1991, Y1993, Y1995, Y1996, Y2003, Y2005, Y2006, Y2007,
Y2009, Y2239
� � �
Q1b1 L214/S289,
M378/Page100, F1213, F1349, F1594, F1734,
F1780, F1836,
F1839, F2230, F2877, FGC1758/Y2013, FGC1767/Y2079, FGC1768/Y2090,
FGC1769/Y2102, FGC1770/Y2012, FGC1775/Y2018,
FGC1776/Y2019, FGC1777/Y2020, FGC1779/Y2021, FGC1780/Y2022,
FGC1781/Y2024, FGC1782/Y2026, FGC1783/Y2027, FGC1784/Y2028,
FGC1785/Y2029, FGC1788/Y2031, FGC1789/Y2032, FGC1790/Y2033,
FGC1791/Y2034, FGC1792/Y2035, FGC1794/Y2037,
FGC1795/Y2038, FGC1796/Y2039, FGC1797/Y2040, FGC1798/Y2041,
FGC1799/Y2042, FGC1801/Y2043, FGC1803/Y2044, FGC1804/Y2045,
FGC1805/Y2046, FGC1807/Y2047, FGC1808/Y2049, FGC1809/Y2050,
FGC1810/Y2051, FGC1812/Y2052, FGC1813/Y2053, FGC1814/Y2054,
FGC1815/Y2055, FGC1817/Y2057, FGC1820/Y2058, FGC1825/Y2059,
FGC1827/Y2060, FGC1830/Y2061, FGC1833/Y2062, FGC1834/Y2063,
FGC1835/Y2064, FGC1836/Y2065, FGC1837/Y2066, FGC1838/Y2067,
FGC1841/Y2068, FGC1842/Y2070, FGC1843/Y2071, FGC1844/Y2072,
FGC1845/Y2073, FGC1850/Y2074, FGC1852/Y2075, FGC1854/Y2076,
FGC1855/Y2080, FGC1856/Y2081, FGC1858/Y2082, FGC1861/Y2084,
FGC1862/Y2085, FGC1863/Y2086, FGC1864/Y2087, FGC1865/Y2088,
FGC1866/Y2089, FGC1869/Y2091, FGC1872/Y2092, FGC1873/Y2093,
FGC1874/Y2094, FGC1875/Y2095, FGC1877/Y2097, FGC1881/Y2113,
FGC1882/Y2114, FGC1887/Y2015, FGC1988/Y2017, FGC4606/Y2361,
FGC7660/Y2025, L215/Page82/S325, Y2048, Y2056,
Y2096, Y2101, Y2110, Y2226, Y2227,Y2234, Y2242, Y2384
� � � �
Q1b1a FGC1774/Y2016,
� � � � �
Q1b1a1 L245,
FGC1771/Y2117, FGC1773/Y2118,
FGC1778/Y2120, FGC1800/Y2121, FGC1802/Y2122, FGC1806/Y2123,
FGC1811/Y2124, FGC1816/Y2125, FGC1821/Y2126,
FGC1823/Y2127, FGC1824/Y2128, FGC1826/Y2129, FGC1828/Y2130,
FGC1829/Y2131, FGC1831/Y2217, FGC1832/Y2132, FGC1839/Y2133,
FGC1840/Y2134, FGC1846/Y2136, FGC1847/Y2137, FGC1848/Y2138,
FGC1849/Y2139, FGC1851/Y2140, FGC1853/Y2141, FGC1857/Y2142,
FGC1859/Y2143, FGC1860/Y2204, FGC1868/Y2199, FGC1870/Y2145,
FGC1871/Y2146, FGC1878/Y2147, FGC1879/Y2148, FGC1883/Y2195,
FGC1893/Y2230, FGC1901/Y2223, FGC1902/Y2222, FGC1987/Y2116,
FGC1989/Y2144, FGC7661/Y2135, FGC7662/Y2149, Y2238_1, Y2238_2
� � � � �
Q1b1a1a FGC1904/Y2220,
FGC1895/Y2228, FGC1925/Y2202, Y2229
� � � � �
� �
Q1b1a1a1 FGC1917/Y2209
� � � � �
� � �
Q1b1a1a1a FGC1897/Y2225,
FGC1906/Y2219, FGC1909/Y2218, FGC1911/Y2215, FGC1912/Y2213,
FGC1915/Y2211, FGC1916/Y2210, FGC1918/Y2208, FGC1919/Y2207,
FGC1921/Y2206, FGC1928/Y2201, FGC1934/Y2196, Y2214
� � � � �
� � � �
Q1b1a1a1a1 FGC1929/Y2200,
FGC1886/Y2233, FGC1888/Y2232,
FGC1890/Y2231, FGC1903/Y2221, FGC1910/Y2216, FGC1914/Y2212,
FGC4847, FGC7663, Y2352, Y2356, Y2595
� � � � �
� � � � �
Q1b1a1a1a1a FGC1933/Y2197,
� � � � �
� � � � �
� �
Q1b1a1a1a1a1 FGC4846/Y2750,
FGC4836/Y2746, FGC4854/Y2751, Y3026, Y3027, Y3028, Y3029, Y3030
� � � � �
� � � � �
� �
Q1b1a1a1a1a2 FGC1905/Y2780,
FGC1920/Y2754, FGC1930/Y2781
� � � � �
� � � � �
� � �
Q1b1a1a1a1a2a FGC1898/YFS30117
� � � � �
� � � � �
� �
Q1b1a1a1a1a3 YP1004,YP1005,
YP1006, YP1007
� � � � �
� � � � �
� � �
Q1b1a1a1a1a3a YP3924,
YP3925, YP3926, YP4113, YP4114
� � � � �
� � � � �
Q1b1a1a1a1b YP1003
� � � � �
� � � � �
� �
Q1b1a1a1a1b1 YP1071
� � � � �
� � � � �
� � �
Q1b1a1a1a1b1a YP1010,
YP1008, YP1011
� � � � �
� � � � �
� � � �
Q1b1a1a1a1b1a1 YP1009,
� � � � �
� � � � �
� � �
Q1b1a1a1a1b1b YP1035,
� � � � �
� � �
Q1b1a1a1b YP740,
YP730, YP731, YP732, YP733, YP734, YP735, YP736, YP737, YP738, YP739,
YP741, YP742, YP743, YP744
� � � � �
� �
Q1b1a1a2 YP745,
YP746, YP747
� � � � �
� � �
Q1b1a1a2a YP1095
� � � � �
� � � �
Q1b1a1a2a1 YP1096,
YP519.3, YP1097, YP4119>
� � � � �
� � � � �
Q1b1a1a2a1a YP1236,
YP1237, YP1238, YP1239, YP1240, YP1241, YP1242, YP1243, YP1244, YP1245,
YP1246, YP1247, YP1248,
YP1249, YP1250, YP1251, YP1252, YP4117, YP4118
� � � � �
� � �
Q1b1a1a2b YP1226
FGC34074/YP1227, Y11198, Y11199, YP1228, YP1229, YP1230, YP1231,
YP1232, YP1233, YP1234, YP1255
� � � � �
� Q1b1a1b~
� � � � �
� Q1b1a1c~
� � � �
Q1b1b FGC4620/Y2250,
FGC4613/Y2246, FGC4618/Y2248, FGC4619/Y2249, FGC4624/Y2251,
FGC4626/Y2244, FGC4631/Y2255, FGC4635/Y2256,
FGC4646/Y2263, FGC4656/Y2264, FGC4657/Y2265, FGC4659/Y2266,
FGC4675/Y2269, FGC4676/Y2270, Y2245.1, Y2252, Y2257, Y2258, Y2259,
Y2260, Y2261, Y2262
� � � � �
Q1b1b1 FGC4888/Y2990,
FGC4866/Y2987, FGC4868/Y2997, FGC4872/Y2986, FGC4884/Y2988,
FGC4891/Y2776/Y2991/YFS25608, FGC4893/Y2992, FGC4896/Y2993,
FGC4897/Y2994, FGC4904/Y2995, FGC4909/Y2996, FGC7967/Y2989, YP1106
� � � � �
Q1b1b2 Y5185,
� � � � �
Q1b1b2a L301
� � � � Q1b1c~ L327
� � �
Q1b2 Y1150,
Y1138, Y1140, Y1141, Y1143, Y1145, Y1146, Y1148, Y1151, Y1152, Y1154,
Y1155, Y1156, Y1157, Y1158, Y1161, Y1162, Y1163, Y1168, Y1170,
Y1171, Y1172, Y1173, Y1174, Y1176, Y1177, Y1178, Y1179, Y1181, Y1182,
Y1183, Y1184, Y1185, Y1186, Y1187,
Y1188, Y1189, Y1190, Y1191, Y1192, Y1196, Y1201, Y1202, Y1203, Y1204,
Y1205, Y1206, Y1207, Y1208, Y1209, Y1210,
Y1211, Y1212, Y1214, Y1215, Y1216, Y1217, Y1218, Y1219, Y1221, Y1222,
Y1223, Y1224, Y1227, Y1229, Y1230,
Y1231, Y1232, Y1233, Y1234, Y1235, Y1236, Y1237, Y1238, Y1239, Y1241,
Y1242, Y1243, Y1244, Y1245, Y1246, Y1247,
Y1248, Y1250, Y1251, Y1252, Y1253, Y1255, Y1257, Y1258, Y1259, Y1260,
Y1261, Y1262, Y1263, Y1264, Y1265, Y1266,
Y1267, Y1268, Y1269, YP505, YP748, YP749, YP750, YP751, YP752, YP753
� � � �
Q1b2a Y1144,
� � � � �
Q1b2a1 YP755,
YP756, YP757, YP758, YP759, YP3940, YP3942
� � � � �
Q1b2a1a YP754,
� � � � �
� �
Q1b2a1a1 Y15624,
YP3943, YP3944/Z36069, YP3945, YP3946, YP3947, YP3948, YP3949.1
Y-DNA haplogroup Q arose in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas. Today it is found in North Eurasia, with some exemplars in European populations. The Q-M3 sub-group is almost exclusively associated with Native American populations.
Behar et al,
Structure of the Jewish People.
Nature, 446:238-42, 2010.
Bortolini et al,
Evidence for Differing Ancient Demographic Histories in the Americas.
American Journal of Human Genetics, 73:524-539, 2003.
Cinnioglu et al,
Y-chromosome Haplotype Strata in Anatolia. (pdf) Human
Genetics. 114:127-148, 2004.
Deng et al,
and Migration History of the Chinese Population Inferred from the
Chinese Y-chromosome Evidence.
(pdf) Journal of Human Genetics, 49:339-348, 2004.
Dulik et al,
Mitochondrial DNA and Y Chromosome Variation Provides Evidence for a
Recent Common Ancestry between Native
Americans and Indigenous Altaians. (pdf) The American Journal
of Human Genetics, doi:
10.1016/ajhg.2011.12.014, 2012(a).
Dulik et al,
Analysis Reveals Genetic Divergence and New Founding Native Lineages in
Athapaskan- and Eskimoan-speaking Populations. (pdf)
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 May 29;109(22):8471-6. doi:
10.1073/pnas.1118760109. Epub May 14, 2012(b).
Francalacci et al,
DNA Sequencing of 1200 Sardinians Reconstructs European Y-Chromosome
Science: Vol. 341 no. 6145, pp. 565-569, DOI: 10.1126/science.1237947,
2 August 2013.
Geppert et al,
Hierarchical Y-SNP Assay to Study the Hidden Diversity and Phylogenetic
Relationship of Native Populations in South America,
Forensic Science International: Genetics, 6 Oct 2010. [Epub ahead of
Gurianov et al,
Structure of Q-M378 Subclade Based on Full Y-Chromosome Sequencing,
The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy, Rom 5, No 1.:84-102. 8
January 2014(a).
Gurianov et al,
Update of the Phylogenetic Structure of Q1b Haplogroup Based on Full
Y-chromosome Sequencing,
The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy, Vol 6, No 1, 2014(b).
Jota et al,
New Subhaplogroup of Native American Y-Chromosomes from the Andes.
Am J Phys Anthropol. 2011 Dec;146(4):553-9. doi: 10.1002/ajpa.21519.
Epub Sep 13, 2011.
Karafet et al,
Binary Polymorphisms Reshape and Increase Resolution of the Human
Y-Chromosomal Haplogroup
Tree. Abstract. Genome Research, published online April 2,
Malhi et al,
of Y Chromosomes among Native North Americans: A Study of Athapaskan
Population History
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 137:412-24, 2008.
Regueiro et al,
Tricontinental Nexus for Y-Chromosome Driven Migration.
Human Heredity, Vol. 61, No 3, 132-143, 2006.
Sengupta et al,
and Temporality of High Resolution Y-chromosome Distributions in India
Identify Both Indigenous and Exogenous Expansions and Reveal Minor
Genetic Influence
of Central Asian Pastoralists. (pdf)
American Journal of Human Genetics, 78:202-221, 2006.
Shen et al, Reconstruction
of Patrilineages and Matrilineages of Samaritans and other Israeli
Populations from Y-Chromosome
and Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Variation. (pdf) Human
Mutation, 24:248-260, 2004.
Su et al,
Evidence for a Northward Migration of Modern Humans into Eastern Asia
during the Last Ice Age. (pdf) American Journal of Human
Genetics, 65:1718-1724, 1999.
Underhill et al,
of Numerous Y Chromosome Biallelic Polymorphisms by Denaturing
High-performance Liquid Chromatography.
(Abstract) Genome Research, 7(10):996-1005, 1997 Oct.
Additional Resources:
Wiki - What you need to know about Genetic Genealogy.
DNA Haplogroup Q, Rebekah Canada.
Indian Q1a3a: the Q-M3 Haplogroup Project,
Ana Oquendo Pab�n.
Indian DNA Project, Glinda Seabaugh.
Corrections/Additions made since 1 January 2016:
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