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DNA news archives

From ISOGG Wiki

The DNA news archives are arranged in categories and sorted by date in reverse chronological order.

To receive the latest DNA news as it becomes available, follow ISOGG on Twitter

TIP: If there is a DNA news article you read that you would like to keep a copy of, we recommend you print it and/or save an html version of the article as many of the articles below will either be deleted or moved to paid archives by the news websites that host them.

What's new


Famous DNA

Adoption DNA

Ancient DNA

African DNA

Benelux DNA

British Isles/Ireland DNA

French DNA

Jewish DNA

Native-American DNA

Neanderthal DNA

Russian DNA

Viking DNA

Surnames and DNA


If you wish to receive updates from ISOGG's DNA News Archives, subscribe to the ISOGG Newsletter. All new DNA articles listed on this page are published in the newsletter. Or, to receive the latest DNA news as it becomes available, follow ISOGG on Twitter Submissions welcome, but subject to approval.