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Establishing a Y-DNA surname project

From ISOGG Wiki

If you are interested in using DNA to research a single surname it is helpful to establish a Y-DNA surname project. This will allow you to access all the results from a single with a single sign-in. Family Tree DNA is now the only company which offers surname project administration facilities, and they are the only company which offers a Y-chromosome DNA test with the facility to compare results in a genealogical matching database.

The first step is to check to see if a Y-chromosome DNA surname project has already been established. FTDNA projects can be searched from the project search menu. Even if a project DOES already exist for the surname you want, it may be possible to establish a separate project at FTDNA, if the existing project will not meet your goals. This is often the case with surname projects related to a certain region.

In order to set up a project fill out the application form on the FTDNA website. Allow five business days for your application to be reviewed.

If you are a member of the Guild of One-Name Studies you should contact the Guild's DNA Advisor who will arrange the project set up for you.

Consider recruiting a co-administrator for your project. A co-admin can handle the project administration duties for you when you are on vacation, incapacitated, or unreachable for any reason. Co-Admins can also assist by recruiting participants, attending family reunions, promoting and endorsing the project, attending conferences, etc. Ideally, potential co-admins should be involved with the project and have an interest in the field of genetic genealogy.

FTDNA resources


See also