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Free DNA tests/Hanrahan

From ISOGG Wiki

< Free DNA tests


Hanrahan is part of a Joint Surnames project. The project does not offer free tests unconditionally at DNA shows.

Once members meet FTDNA account setup, family tree documentation, and other requirements, they could be eligible for partial Y DNA upgrade scholarships (111 marker and Big Y only), saving potentially 25% or more. Scholarship money is awarded only during FTDNA sales. See the project FAQ page for details at

The project currently has hundreds of dollars available for scholarships.

Anyone who is not eligible for the Y DNA project but is interested in project news is welcome to join the external mailing list at

Name Variations

Hanrahan, Handrahan, O'Hanrahan


Susan Barretta, [email protected], Joint DNA Project at FTDNA (including Hanrahan)