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Free DNA tests/Hodges-Hodge

From ISOGG Wiki

< Free DNA tests


The HODGES-HODGE DNA Project is offering a free 37-marker Y-DNA test to the first male HODGE or HODGES,of a family that has not previously been yDNA tested in the Hodges-Hodge DNA Project and who provides at least 4 generations of ancestry in England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France or any other European country..

The HODGES-HODGE DNA Project makes the same offer to a man with the HOGES or HOGE spelling, BUT ONLY IF he pronounces his name like HODGES or HODGE and NOT like HOGG..

Name Variations

HODGE, HODGES (and possibly Hoge, Hoges)


For further information, contact either of the administrators of the HODGES-HODGE DNA Project: Ron Hodges <[email protected]> or Terry Barton <[email protected]>