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Free DNA tests/Werth

From ISOGG Wiki

< Free DNA tests


Requirements: Two free 37-marker Y-DNA tests are available for men from anyplace in the world outside of the United States who visit the FTDNA or ISOGG booths at any non-US conference and who submit documentation to Project Administrator of at least four generations of direct male-line descent from a progenitor with the surname WERTH (no spelling variants allowed). Testers must be willing to join the Werth Family Project at FamilyTreeDNA and share DNA results and pedigree with the Project Administrator and other members of the Project. No closely related males from the same family or those who are closely related to current Werth Project members please.

Name Variations

Werth (no spelling variants allowed)


Phyllis Gessert Garratt, FamilyTreeDNA Werth Family Project Administrator, [email protected]