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Free DNA tests/Wisley-Wisely-Wiseley

From ISOGG Wiki

< Free DNA tests


The project is offering a FREE Y-37 DNA test to anyone who meets one of the below requirements:

  • Your research and/or autosomal DNA matches indicate you may be a direct male descendant of John Wisely born circa 1750 PA or
  • You are a Wisley-Wisely-Wiseley male living in the U.K., New Zealand, or Australia with ancestry from the U.K.

Name Variations

Wisley, Wisely, Wiseley or other variants


To contact project administrator Lucy Nelson, click on her name from the project's website to reveal her email address. Wisley-Wisely-Wiseley Surname Project

Project Goals

The project is working to identify direct male descendants of John Wisely born circa 1750 using Y-DNA. Due to courthouse fires in Licking County, Ohio, and Cumberland County, Illinois, many of John’s descendants have no paper trail and cannot connect through traditional research. We're also hoping to connect "across the pond" with more distantly related surname cousins.