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ISOGG Finland

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This wiki page includes some of the resources available for the advancement of genetic genealogy in Finland.

Genealogical Society of Finland

The Genealogical Society of Finland promotes all Finnish genealogy, including genetic genealogy. It is a national voluntary non-governmental organization promoting the study of genealogy and social history in Finland, founded in 1917. It acts as a facilitator and link between genealogists and further Finnish family and personal history research. The Genealogical Society of Finland has also published the Code of Conduct for genealogical research, valid for genetic genealogy as well.

Finnish DNA Projects

Public Projects

  1. Finland DNA Project is a geographical project and at the same time an umbrella project for the Finnish genetic genealogy community.
  2. Baltic N-Z16981+
  3. Baltic Sea
  4. Dunkel surname project
  5. Finno-Ugric DNA
  6. Forest Finn DNA
  7. H & HV mtDNA Hg
  8. Hiltunen Surname and DNA project
  9. Holappa
  10. Häkkinen-projekti
  11. H4 mtGenome
  12. I1 Suomi Finland & N-CTS8565
  13. I1-L300 & Subclades
  14. Karjala DNA
  15. Kinnunen & Pesonen
  16. Marttinen Family website
  17. mtDNA H35
  18. Nevalainen
  19. North Dvina DNA
  20. N North Eurasia
  21. N1c1 Y-DNA This is the Y-DNA N-M178 haplogroup project.
  22. Russian nobility
  23. Sastamala Huittinen Eura Vesilahti Regions
  24. Scandinavian Y-DNA
  25. Torne River DNA

Private projects

  1. Koso
  2. Piira
  3. Savo DNA
  4. White Sea Karelian

Unclear Projects

These projects are controlled and administrated by FTDNA due to admin problems. Auditing and other actions going on.

  1. Viitasaari (Savo Tawastian) DNA project
  2. Juva-Joroinen
  3. Kaira Lapland DNA
  4. Satakunta DNA

Finnish Genetic Genealogy and Genealogy communities and training


  1. Suomi DNA-project / Finland DNA project (FTDNA Finland DNA project Facebook group)
  2. "Genomitiedon iltakoulu" is gathering once a month in Helsinki and in Tampere, excluding summer times.
  3. Suomen Sukututkimusseura keskusteluryhmä (Genealogical Society of Finland, Facebook discussion group)


  1. Geneettisen sukututkimuksen kursseja (Suomen Sukututkimusseura) - Genetic genealogy courses of the Genealogical Society of Finland

Internet sites relevant to the Finnish Genetic Genealogy

  1. Suomi DNA projekti / Finland DNA project
  2. Ahti Kurrin DNA-kotisivut
  3. Sari Heimonen: geneettinen sukututkimus
  4. Suomen Sukututkimusseuran blogit
  5. Marja Pirttivaara, presentations
  6. ISOGG N haplotree Approximately 60 % of Finnish men belong to Y-DNA haplogroup N.
  7. YFull N haplotree

Genealogy Meetings and Gatherings

  1. Suku 2017 100 years Jubileum events

List of Genealogical Organizations in Finland

  1. Genealogical Society of Finland
  2. Sukuseurojen keskusliitto
  3. Finland's Family History Association, Suomen Sukuhistoriallinen yhdistys SSHY
  4. Suomalaisia sukututkimusyhdistyksiä (List of local and regional Finnish genealogical associations, with links)

Academic research projects and publications relevant to Finnish genetic genealogy


  1. SUGRIGE - The ancient genes of Finland
  2. Origins of Finn, seminar 1/2017 overview of archaeology, genetics & genomics and linguistic studies.


  1. Batini C et al: Large-scale recent expansion of European patrilineages shown by population resequencing, Nat Commun. 2015 (6)7152
  2. Khrunin AV et al: A genome-wide analysis of populations from European Russia reveals a new pole of genetic diversity in northern Europe, PLoS One. 2013;8(3)
  3. Palo J et al: Genetic markers and population history: Finland revisited. Eur J Hum Genet. 2009 Oct;17(10):1336-46

The Objectives of ISOGG in Finland

The aims of ISOGG in Finland is promoting genetic genealogy in general and Finnish genetic genealogy in particular. It supports the Finnish community of genetic genealogy by sharing knowledge and information, providing advice and support, activating people to participate in DNA projects and rising the level of expertise and skills within the Finnish genetic genealogy community. Cooperation with the Genealogical Society of Finland is the basis of all our genetic genealogy activities.

ISOGG Finland representative

Marja Pirttivaara, PhD, MBA (social and healthcare management)

Code of Conduct and Privacy for Genealogical Research

  1. The Genealogical Society of Finland has published the Code of Conduct for Genealogical Research in Finland, Käytännesäännöt.
  2. Data Protection Ombudsman Reijo Aarnio, presentation at Suku 2017 Event, 3/2017, in Finnish Sukututkijan perusoikeudet / Basic Rights in genealogy gives an overview of the future development in the European Union as well.

See also

  1. HisKi project of the Genealogical Society of Finland (HisKi project provides a searchable data base of church books: lists of christenings, marriages, burials and moves)
  2. KATIHA Karelia data base
  3. Arkistojen Portti, Teema: Sukututkimus (National Archives of Finland: theme genealogy - also in Swedish and Russian)
  4. SSHY Sukututkimustietokannat (collection of genealogical databases as links)