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Tutorial/Wiki terms

From ISOGG Wiki

< ISOGG Wiki:Tutorial

Below are six words or phrases you will run across while using the ISOGG Wiki or any other wiki, such as Wikipedia.

An encyclopedia entry. All ISOGG Wiki articles are pages, but not all ISOGG Wiki pages are articles.
Broken link or missing link 
A wikilink to a non-existing page. These show up red. If you have knowledge about the topic, and want to share it, click the link to start the article.
Disambiguation page 
A page that contains various meanings of a word, and refers to the pages where the various meanings are defined.
Edit conflict 
Two or more parties both attempt to save different edits to the same page.
A page title which, when requested, merely sends the reader to another page. This is used for synonyms and ease of linking. For example, "Y-DNA" might redirect to "Y chromosome". Often abbreviated to redir.
To format using Wiki markup (as opposed to plain text or HTML) and add internal links to material, incorporating it into the whole of Wikipedia. Noun: Wikification.

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