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TomHutchison/Interwiki Special links

From ISOGG Wiki

< User:TomHutchison

This may or may not be useful and we can add other interwiki style links even if they are not a wiki, such as forums. It probably is just as efficient to use the external link with a alternate, but it does give the appearance the information is on the wiki.

Here is how to link to a FTDNA FAQ:

  • Use the prefic ftdnafaq: followed by the FTDNA FAQ tag# like this [[ftdnafaq:1#387|How do I start a group project at FTDNA?]].
  • The syntax to follow is, ftdnafaq:[pageid]#[on page id] or everthing after the 'id=' from a link,(e.g.
The result will be:
instead of
Another example
instead of