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What is the history and structure of the ISOGG YSNP Tree?

From ISOGG Wiki

Richard Reid Kenyon and Alice Fairhurst proposed a comprehensive YSNP Tree to be updated by volunteers and hosted on the ISOGG website in late 2005. The ISOGG YSNP Tree debuted in 2006 and was coordinated and maintained by Alice Fairhurst. The ISOGG YSNP Tree Committee functions as its own committee as a subset in ISOGG. Haplogroup branch volunteers communicate via a private forum and will sometimes have face-to-face meetings if a large enough group are in attendance at a genealogy conference. Alice Fairhurst resigned as YSNP Tree Coordinator in October 2015 and ISOGG Director, Katherine Borges has assumed the role of Coordinator. Ray Banks is currently maintaining the Tree as it transitions to the new system in 2016.