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How can you help ISOGG?

From ISOGG Wiki

(Redirected from ISOGG Wiki:How can you help ISOGG)

As our home page states, ISOGG is, "...entirely self-supporting by its members. YOU choose what you wish to give. Whether it's your time to give a presentation or host a workshop at your local genealogical society, or create photocopies to promote the society at a convention, it's up to you."

Are you able to help ISOGG in any of the following ways?

  1. Give a speech on genetic genealogy. If yes, join the ISOGG Speakers List - E-mail
  2. Host an ISOGG booth/stand at a conference or genealogy fair. For details - E-mail
  3. Share your knowledge and expertise in our Facebook group.
  4. Add content and help to edit this Wiki