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Wiki Welcome Page

From ISOGG Wiki

Welcome to the The ISOGG Wiki...

...a free genetic genealogy encyclopedia with 796 articles and growing.


What is ISOGG?

The International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG) was founded in 2005 by DNA project administrators who shared a common vision: the promotion and education of genetic genealogy. Our mission is to advocate for and educate about the use of genetics as a tool for genealogical research, and to promote a supportive network for genetic genealogists.

This Wiki was established for the benefit and education of the genetic genealogy community. To contribute to this Wiki please join ISOGG (it's free!) and then register for a Wiki account. If you don't have information to contribute enjoy reading the articles on this website.

How To Search

The easiest way to find pages is to type the subject of interest into the Search Box on the top left of your screen. As you type, a drop-down list of pages will appear. Click on a suggested page to view it or click the very bottom of the list where it says "containing" to view every mention of the search term in the ISOGG Wiki. Many pages have shortcuts so that, for example, if you type in SNP you will automatically be taken to the page for single-nucleotide polymorphism and NPE will take you to the page for non-paternity event.

Contents Page and Alphabetical List

The Contents Page provides a thematic list of all the pages in the ISOGG Wiki. Additionally the Wiki can be searched from the Alphabetical List of Articles. Alternatively you can browse the pages by searching the Category Tree.

Get Involved & Help

Get involved

  • Join ISOGG - You need to be a member of ISOGG and have a registered Wiki account before you can edit this Wiki. This is a closed Wiki and you will have to do a few things to be granted an account. Requesting an account means you have accepted our privacy policy and will abide by our Terms of Use.
    1. Once you have joined ISOGG you will need to ask for an ISOGG Wiki account. Go to our ISOGG Facebook Group and request to join it.
    2. Once in the ISOGG Facebook Group, post to the group and ask for an ISOGG Wiki account. Be prepared to explain why you need an account and what your contributions will be. It could be as simple as I am experienced at editing a wiki and would like to help add content to the pages in need of additional content. Or it could be for a specific purpose (new or existing) or a specific need (updating images or fixing typos) on the wiki.
    3. Be prepared to provide your First and Last Name and a valid email address. Your username will be "FirstName LastName" for ease in attribution marking on pages.
    4. Your name and email are checked against the membership list, and if accepted, you will then be granted an account.
    5. A temporary password will be emailed to you for your first login. You will be required to change your password on you first login.
    6. PLEASE NOTE - Accounts not used or attributed with any edits are DELETED from the database periodically. This means your account is deleted and you will have to go through the request process again.
  • Learn how to edit
  • Suggest ideas or work on one of the pages in our roadmap
  • Work on one of the Wiki pages that are are in need of additional content.
  • Add or edit pages in the Portals Project.
  • Upload copyright-free images to the Wiki
  • Join an ISOGG Wiki project
  • Ask an editor or admin for help

If you would like to add data of value to the Wiki and feel that you are not able to do this, but would like us to do it for you, please contact the Wiki Admins.

Help with MediaWiki Software

  • Sandbox - test your edits and play around in our Sandbox
  • Visit the Help Portal for further resources