DNA Interest Groups
From ISOGG Wiki
DNA Interest Groups (DIGS) meet to discuss the application of DNA testing to genealogy research. Listed by region:
Australian Capital Territory
The Heraldry & Genealogy Society of Canberra has a DNA special interest group. For details, refer to the HAGSOC website or email .
New South Wales
The Bathurst Family History Group has started a DNA interest group. For details, please make contact through the BFHG website.
The Botany Bay Family History Society has a DNA interest group. For details, refer to the BBFHS website.
The Coffs Harbour Family History Society has a DNA special interest group. For details, refer to the CHDFHS website.
Coffs Harbour - Learning DNA Information & Meetup Group. For details, refer to their Facebook Group.
Nepean Family History Society in Emu Plains has a DNA interest group. For details, refer to the NepeanFHS website.
Port Macquarie & District Family History Society has a monthly DNA Support Group. For details, refer to the PMDFHS website.
Shoalhaven Family History Society has a DNA interest group. For details, refer to the SFHS website.
The Society of Australian Genealogists in Sydney has a DNA Research Group. For details, refer to the SAG website.
Manning Wallamba Family History Society in Taree has a DNA interest group. For details, refer to the MWFHS website.
The Tomaree Family History Group has a DNA interest group. For details, please make contact through the TFHG website.
Wyong Family History Group has a DNA interest group. For details, refer to the Wyong FHG website.
Cairns Family History has a DNA Interest Group. For details, refer to the CFH website or email
The Central Queensland Family History Association in Rockhampton has a DNA Interest Group. For details, please contact through the CQFHA website.
The Family History Association of North Queensland in Townsville has a DNA Interest Group. For details, refer to the FHANQ website.
The Genealogical Society of Queensland in Brisbane (Wishart) has a DNA Special Interest Group. For details, refer to the GSQ website.
Genealogy Sunshine Coast has a DNA interest group that meets once a month at their Nambour Queensland clubrooms. For more information, please contact Bob May at
Gold Coast Family History Society in Nerang has a DNA Interest Group. For details, refer to the GCFHS website.
Gympie Family History Society has a DNA Interest Group. For details, refer to the GFHS website.
The Queensland Family History Society Inc in Brisbane (Gaythorne) has a DNA Interest Group that meets bi-monthly. For details, refer to the QFHS website.
South Australia
Encounter Bay Family History Group at Victor Harbor has a DNA Interest Group. For details refer to the EBFHG website.
Fleurieu Peninsular Family History Society in Christies Beach has a DNA Interest Group. For details refer to the FPFHS website.
Genealogy SA (Adelaide) has a DNA Special Interest Group which meets monthly. For details refer to the GenealogySA website.
Tasmania Family History Society in Hobart has a DNA Interest Group. For details refer to the TFHS website.
The Genealogical Society of Victoria (Melbourne) has a DNA Discussion Circle which meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. For details, refer to the GSV website.
Geelong Family History Group has a DNA Interest Group which meets online. For details, refer to the Geelong FHG website.
Western Australia
FamilyHistoryWA, formerly Western Australian Genealogical Society Inc (WAGS), located in Perth, has a DNA Special Interest Group. For details refer to the FamilyHistoryWA website.
The Alberta Family Histories Society DNA Special Interest Group (DNA SIG) in Calgary was formed May 31, 2011 by Joan Miller. This group will meet periodically throughout the year at the AFHS Library, 712 - 16 Avenue NW, Calgary, AB. For more information, please email . (The status of this group is unclear due to Joan's passing.)
The Edmonton Branch of the Alberta Genealogical Society has a DNA SIG that is co-hosted by Ellen Thompson-Jennings and Debby Was. We meet four times per year on the 3rd Wednesday of the month in January, March, May, and October. For more information, see http://edmontongenealogy.ca/special-interest-groups/dna/.
British Columbia
The British Columbia Genealogical Society (BCGS) Advanced DNA Special Interest Group meets every 3rd Tuesday via Zoom. See the BCGS website: www.bcgs.ca/advanced-dna, or contact Terry Hartley at (or
) for information about joining.
British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa (BIFHSGO) www.bifhsgo.ca
The BIFHSGO DNA Interest Group is moderated by Bill Arthurs and meets at the Ottawa City Archives, usually on the last Saturday of February and every two months thereafter. Meetings often feature presentations as well as a round table discussion. For more information, please contact Bill at .
New Zealand
North Island
The Kapiti Branch of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists has established a DNA support group. For details, refer to the Branch website: http://www.kapitigen.org/programme/interest-groups/dna/
The Papamoa Branch of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists has established a DNA Testers Support Group that meets monthly at the local community centre. For details, contact Betty Atkinson via the NZSG Papamoa webpage.
The Te Awamutu Branch of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists has established a DNA support group. For details, refer to the NZSG Te Awamutu Branch website.
United Kingdom
Berkshire Family History Society www.berksfhs.org.uk A new DNA interest group was established in 2019 by the Berkshire Family History Society. The first meeting will be held on 13th April 2019 at the Research Centre in Reading. The intention is to hold four meetings each year.
East Surrey Family History Society www.eastsurreyfhs.org.uk The group was established in 2019 and meetings are scheduled to take place four times a year.
Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain https://www.jgsgb.org.uk/content/jgsgb-dna-sig The JGSGB's DNA Special Interest Group held their first meeting in December 2018.
Midland Ancestors (formerly the Birmingham & Midland Society for Genealogy & Heraldry) has a DNA Special Interest Group for members on Facebook. Further information can be found on the Society's local groups page.
The DNA Interest Group for Scotland was established in November 2013 and held its inaugural meeting on 18th January 2014. Further information can be found on the DNA Interest Group - Scotland website.
Sun City Vistoso Genealogical Society (Oro Valley) https://scvgs.org/sigs/
Usually meets monthly on the 3rd Wednesday. Contact: Teri Petty:
Phoenix East Valley DNA Interest Group (Mesa) http://www.DNAbreakthroughs.com and topics are posted on our Facebook group. 1st Thurs 7:00 pm online until we can meet in person again at the new Family Discovery Center, SW corner of Main Street and LeSueur, Mesa. Contact: Mckell Keeney
The West Valley Genealogical Society in Youngtown, Arizona, has two DNA SIGs. One meets the 1st Saturday of each month 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm and one meets the 1st Tuesday of each month 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. For more information, see https://azwvgs.org/.
California African American Genealogical Society www.caags.org
Los Angeles Family History Library, 10741 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025
10:00 am – 12:00 pm, 4th Saturday, LA FHL. Contact: Dr. Edna Briggs:
Conejo Valley Genealogy Society www.conejovalleygenealogicalsociety.org
Thousand Oaks Grant R. Brimhall Library, 1401 E Janss Rd, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
1.00 pm, first Friday of odd months. Contact: Colleen Yinger:
Marin County Genealogical Society www.maringensoc.org
7:00 pm on 3rd Thursday, LDS Church. Contact: Vernon Smith:
Monterey County Genealogical Society mocogenso.org 10:00 am, 2nd Saturday, Monterey FHC. Contact: mocogenso.wordpress.com/about/contact-us/
Nevada County Genealogical Society http://sites.rootsweb.com/~cancgs
4th Tuesday (occasional DNA Group). Contact: Christina Sabin:
North San Diego County Genealogical Society nsdcgs.org
Community Room, Georgina Cole Library, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008
1:00 – 4:00 pm, 3rd Saturday. Contact: Stacey Sanders:
Orange County California Genealogical Society occgs.com
Huntington Beach Central Library, 7111 Talbert Ave, Huntington Beach, CA 92648
9:00 am at General meeting 1st Saturday. Moderator: Mark Hammond:
Placer County Genealogical Society pcgs.pcgenes.com
10:00-12:00 pm, 1st and 3rd Thursday monthly at Loomis Library. Contact:
San Joaquin Genealogical Society sjgensoc.org
6:30-8 pm, 2nd Monday Spring and Fall at various locations. Contact: Jacqui Stevens:
San Luis Obispo Genealogy Society www.slocgs.org/interestgroups.html
2 pm, 4th Wed. of the month (not Nov, Dec) Arroyo Grande Library. Contact:
San Mateo County Genealogical Society www.smcgs.org
2:15-3:45 pm on 3rd Thursday at Cañada College Library. Contact:
San Ramon Valley Genealogical Society http://srvgensoc.org/sig.html#DN
1:00 pm on 3rd Monday at Danville FHC. Advanced DNA only. Contact: Mark McLaren
Santa Barbara County Genealogy Society sbgen.org
SBCGS Sahyun Library, 316 Castillo Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm, 4th Friday at the Sahyun Library. Contact: Mary Hall:
Santa Clara Historical and Genealogical Society www.scchgs.org
2pm on 1st Tues at Santa Clara City Library. Contact: Pat Burrow
Santa Cruz Genealogical Society scgensoc.org
11:00 am on 1st Thurs quarterly at Santa Cruz Library Downtown. Contact: Dan Spelce:
Shasta Genealogical Society shastagen.org
6:00 pm, 2nd Wednesday at Redding FHC. Contact: Mike Witesman:
Southern California Genealogical Society www.scgsgenealogy.com
SCGS Library, 417 Irving Drive, Burbank, CA 91504 (818) 843-7247
10:00 am – 2:00 pm, 5th Saturday at the SCGS Library. Contact: DNA Team:
Temecula Valley Genealogical Society [https://tvgs.net/ tvgs.net}
Temecula Library Community Room, 30600 Pauba Road, Temecula, California 92592
10:00 am – 12:00 pm, 2nd Friday at the Temecula Library. Contact: Barbara A. Perez:
Ventura County Genealogical Society www.venturacogensoc.org
Please check our website for DNA SIG meeting date & time. Contact:
Larimer County Genealogical Society (Fort Collins) https://www.lcgsco.org/
6:30 pm last Monday of month. Contact: Glenn York:
Longmont Genealogical Society (Longmont) http://longmontgenealogicalsociety.org/
After 1:00 pm general meeting; second Wednesday of month. Contact:
Pikes Peak Genealogical Society (Colorado Springs) ppgs.org (click on Calendar)
7:00 pm 3rd Thursday; additional meetings 2-3 times/yr, Penrose Library. Contact: Nicole Wing:
The DNA Special Interest Group of Collier / Lee Counties is led by Arthur Sissman. The group meets on the 3rd Monday of each month at 2-3:30 pm EDT on Zoom. Attendees at the DNA SIG come from all over the US and many other countries. DNA Newbies are welcome! This SIG is action oriented and tries to present information that you can repeat with your own data. The DNA SIG features a variety of topics and offers free workshops on all the DNA platforms. For further information e-mail Arthur Sissman at or call 954-328-3559.
The meeting time and meeting location of the DNA Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Genealogical Society of Palm Beach County (GSPBC) vary. Please go to Calendar & Events of GSPBC for scheduled meeting information, or contact the moderator, Larry Vick, at .
The DNA Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Genealogical Society of Sarasota (GSS) in Sarasota County, Florida, meets monthly October to May. The locations of the meetings change. Please go to GSS calendar of Events for scheduled meeting information, or contact the SIG Leader, Regina Negrycz, at .
Manatee Genealogical Society DNA Special Interest Group. Held each Tuesday at 5:30 pm EST. Open to the public. For info contact or check out our website at mgsfl.org.
The Genetic Genealogy Special Interest Group of The Villages Genealogical Society meets from !0:00am-11:50am on the 2nd Friday of the month in the Rhett Butler and Charleston Rooms of the Savannah Regional Recreation Center, 1545 Buena Vista Blvd., The Villages, Florida 32162. SIG Leader Jim Lannin, aka Jimmy Chromosomes, can be contacted at or by phone at 352-750-4004.
The Central Indiana DNA Interest Group, sponsored by the Genealogical Society of Marion County, was founded by members of the Indiana Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists at the end of 2015. We are currently meeting monthly on a floating schedule at the Fishers Library in Hamilton County, and plan a variety of topics open to the public: formal presentations, round-table discussions, small group or 1-1 coaching, etc. We also offer ‘outreach’ programming to other area libraries and organizations on request.
Group leaders are Ann Raymont, Angela Guntz, Andrea Ackermann, Denise Anderson-Decina, and Steve Frank.
The calendar of upcoming events can be found on the right sidebar at Ann's DNAsleuth website.
For more information, contact us at or visit our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/CIDNAGroup/ or our website at https://cidig.org/.
The Allen County Public Library's DNA Interest Group Meetings in Fort Wayne are the first Thursday of each month. Beginners session is 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., and Advanced is 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., although many people come/stay for both sessions. They are conducted by Sara Allen, Genealogy Center librarian and our DNA expert, and are held in The Genealogy Center's Discovery Center, 900 Library Plaza, Fort Wayne, IN. Our number is 260-421-1225, if anyone has any questions. http://www.genealogycenter.org/
The Johnson County (Kansas) Genealogical Society DNA Interest Group meets at the Oak Park Library in Overland Park, Kansas. Persons in the greater Kansas City area who are interested in using DNA to help extend their family tree can be notified of future meetings by contacting Cathy Lawrenz at or Mary Fern Souder at
The Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society in Wichita, Kansas, has a DNA SIG that meets on the 2nd Saturday of the month.
The Louisville Genetic Genealogy Special Interest Group (DNA SIG), headed by Debra Renard and Deborah Campisano, meets 10:00am-2:00pm on the first Thursday of each month. Meetings are held on the second floor of the St. Matthews-Eline Public Library, 3940 Grandview Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky 40207. The group is sponsored by the Louisville Genealogical Society.
The Maine Genealogical DIG now has three meetings a month. The Lakes Region DIG meets the second Saturday of the month at the Gray Public Library, the Central Maine DIG meets the third Saturday of the month at the Winslow Library, and the Eastern Maine DIG meets the fourth Saturday of the Month at the Ellsworth Library. All the meetings are free, open to the public and are held from 10 to noon.
Our meetings include volunteer presentations covering all aspects of DNA testing, group discussions, sharing, and working together to learn more about using DNA to assist with traditional research. We work in conjunction with the Maine Genealogical FTDNA Project. For more information contact Nancy Milliken Mason at
The Maryland DNA Discussion Group meets on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 7-9pm at the Washington, DC Family History Center in Kensington, MD. Led by Jim Bartlett. Please contact Jim at
The Cape Cod Genealogical Society's DNA SIG meets the first Tuesday of the month from 1:30-3:30 at the Dennis Library. For more information, see http://www.capecodgenealogy.org/id.html.
The Merrimack Valley Chapter of the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists DNA Special Interest Group meets 7 - 8 times a year usually on the 1st or 5th Saturday. We meet on weekday evenings on occasion. The meetings are at the Georgetown public library at 10AM Saturdays, 6:30PM week nights. See https://www.msoginc.org/msogwp/category/chapters/merrimack-valley/ for more information.
The Western Michigan Genealogical Society in Grand Rapids, Michigan, has a DIG which meets at 7:00 PM on the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Grand Rapids Public Library (111 Library St NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503). The group meets in the VanderVeen Center for the Book on the 4th floor. The group discusses the use of Y-DNA (male) and mtDNA (mitochondrial - female), and autosomal DNA (atDNA) tests and their relationship to family history research. If you have questions or want more information, please contact Roger Moffat -
The Minnesota Genealogical Society's DNA Interest Group in Twin Cities was founded in 2014. Its purpose is to provide a forum for discussion and learning about DNA testing. Group members, who must be members of MGS, explore how genealogists and family history enthusiasts can use DNA information to solve genealogical problems. The group meets monthly on the first Sunday of the month at various locations around the Twin Cities. It currently has about fifty members. Contact [email protected] for more information. Group website is http://www.mngs.org/cpage.php?pt=69 and Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/mgsdna.
New York
The DNA Genealogy Group of Long Island, New York, seeks to help members, and the public, understand how to use DNA to develop our Family Trees. We meet on the 1st Saturday of every month at 10am, except July and December. Meetings are open to the public. See https://dggli.wordpress.com/ for more information.
The Southern Tier Genealogical Society in Vestal in upstate New York has a DNA Interest Group that meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month. See our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1562253853831105/ for more information.
For information on the Southwest Ohio Regional DNA Interest Group please contact Kathy Reed from the Hamilton County Genealogical Society at . More information can be found on the society's blog here.
The DNA Interest Group, sponsored by The Franklin County Genealogical & Historical Society (FCGHS) in Columbus, Central Ohio, meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 6:30pm-8:30pm. No meeting in December. Location: The Columbus Metro Library Main Branch downtown, 96 S. Grant Ave. 3rd Floor Meeting Room 3B. We chose this location because it is centrally located, the Genealogy Dept & FCGHS is housed on the 3rd Floor and is a great place for anyone who wanted to research prior to our meeting. For additional information, please contact Debra Dunbar Nowell at or
Friends of Jackson County Genealogical Library (Medford) http://www.rvgsociety.org/Calendar.html
Beginners & Advanced; see calendar of events. Contact: Lorita Cushman:
Genealogical Forum of Oregon (Portland) gfo.org
9 am-12 pm; Beginners and Advanced
The Genealogical Forum of Oregon DNA Interest Group is facilitated by Emily Aulicino and Tim Janzen. Meetings are held in January, February, April, May, July, August, October and November. They take place from 9.00 am - noon on the fourth Saturday of the month unless it is Thanksgiving weekend or a GFO Seminar. Presentations cover all aspects of genetic genealogy and provide a forum for discussion as well as time for answering any related questions. Anyone is allowed to attend any meeting and all are free. For further details please visit the GFO Calendar at http://gfo.org/learn/special-interest-groups/dna.html or email Emily at
Klamath Basin Genealogical Society (Klamath Falls) http://sites.rootsweb.com/~orkbgs/ sites.rootsweb.com/~orkbgs]
6 pm, 1st Thursday at Klamath County Public Library. Contact: Susie Grohs:
Oregon Genealogical Society (Eugene) https://oregongs.org/ oregongs.org] In Calendar, do a search on DNA to find meetings at various sites
The Rogue Valley Genealogical Society (Medford) www.rvgsociety.org/Calendar.html Beginners & Advanced; see calendar of events. Contact: Lorita Cushman: [email protected]
The Erie Society for Genealogical Research, Erie, Pennsylvania, DNA Special Interest Group meets monthly. The group leader is Helen Shimek. Sessions are geared towards beginners through experts and include some hands-on workshops. Meetings are held at the Erie County Blasco Library, 160 East Front St., Erie, PA 16507, and are free and open to the public. The focus of the group is using DNA, particularly autosomal DNA, to further genealogical research. Information about upcoming meetings can be found at https://genealogyerie.org. For more information contact Helen Shimek at
The North Hills Genealogists DNA SIG is focused on studying the use of DNA testing results as part of genetic genealogy research. The leader of this SIG is Ray Jones, PhD. We meet at Christ Episcopal Church (5910 Babcock Blvd 15237). The group holds hybrid meetings (virtual and in-person) on the third Saturday of each month at 2 pm (2:00-5:00). See https://northhillsgenealogists.org/cpage.php?pt=75 for more information.
The Austin Genealogical Society's DNA SIG meets the first Wednesday of each month at PoK-e-Jo’s BBQ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm. Reviewing "The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy” by Blaine T. Bettinger Open to Society members and non-members. See http://www.austintxgensoc.org/special-interest-groups/ for more information.
The Dallas Genealogical Society's DNA Interest Group meets the 3rd Thursday of each month (September to May) from 6:00 to 7:30pm at the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library, Stone Room, on the 7th Floor. See http://dallasgenealogy.com/dgs/meetings-events/special-interest-groups/dna/ for more information.
The East Texas Genealogical Society DNA SIG meets every other month immediately following the monthly meeting held at 2:00 pm on the 2nd Saturday of the month at the Tyler Public Library, Tyler, Texas. Meetings are held in January, March, May, July, and September. For more information, please email or visit our Facebook page.
The Williamson County Genealogical Society hosts a DNA Special Interest Group every month at the Round Rock Public Library in Meeting Room A from 7-9pm. See https://williamsontxgenealogy.org/cpage.php?pt=13 for more information.
Utah Genealogy Association ugagenealogy.org 7 pm, 3rd Tuesday, virtual presentation. Left column, navigate to DNA Interest Group The UGA sponsors a monthly DNA interest group. Inactive as an in-person group but sponsors webinars and has a Facebook group. See https://ugagenealogy.org/cpage.php?pt=378 for more information.
The Surnames Projects and Genetic Genealogy Group meets October through June on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm in the library of Kilmer Middle School, 8100 Wolftrap Rd, Vienna, Northern Virginia. This group operates as a Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Fairfax Genealogical Society but attendees come from several counties of Northern Virginia and Maryland. For more info, please visit the associated mail list or contact the moderator, Jim Logan, at
GRIVA (Genealogical Research Institute of Virginia) in Richmond has a DNA SIG that meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm at the Richmond, VA Family History Center. See https://grivagenealogy.wordpress.com/dna-sig/ for more information.
Seattle Genealogical Society seattlegenealogicalsociety.org
Contact: Cary Bright: to get on the email list for mtg reminders.
The Seattle Genealogical Society DNA Special Interest Group meets quarterly on Saturdays (January, March, June and September). Meetings are held from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm PST via ZOOM and are a lecture format. We also host a DNA Workshop the first Sunday of the month, 1-3pm PST via ZOOM, and work live on DNA websites, answering the attendees DNA questions. We all learn together and never know where the groups questions will go. The SGS DNA Interest Group was formed in 2009 due to the vision of the late Jim Gunderson.
South King County Genealogical Society SKCGS.org Join online group SKCGS.groups.io/g/Genetic-Genealogy for discussion and meeting information. We meet virtually the second Monday of each month, 1-3 pm PT. Co-chaired by Valorie Zimmerman & MaryLynn Strickland. The group was formed in 2019 thanks to the vision of Barbara Mattoon and the hard work of Janet Camarata.
Group for DNA/Genetic Genealogy Interest Group Leaders
A place for Group Leaders to share information about successful programs and tips for planning well organized DNA meetings.
You must be a group leader to join. Please contact the administrator with your affiliation at