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Free DNA tests/Bumpus/Bumpas

From ISOGG Wiki

< Free DNA tests


The Bumpus DNA project will pay for two 37 marker Y-DNA tests for a man who can document at least four generations of male-line descent from a progenitor with the surname Bumpus or alternate spelling, who lives in the UK, Ireland or Europe and who is not closely related to others who have tested during the gathering. (i.e, no two males from the same family such as nephew and uncle, etc.) You must be willing to share your pedigree with other Bumpus family researchers.

Name Variations

Bumpus, Bump, Bumpas, Bumpass, Bompasse


Contact the project administrator: Barbara Good, e-mail: [email protected] Bumpus Surname DNA Project

A new page is being created for the Bumpus project.