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Free DNA tests

From ISOGG Wiki

Does your DNA project offer a free test?
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Free DNA tests are sometimes available to encourage participation in surname projects. Offers are usually restricted to Y-DNA tests with sponsorship being provided by the relevant surname project. Some projects will underwrite the entire cost of a DNA test. Other projects will contribute towards the cost of a test or pay for tests for a limited number of markers. In order to qualify for the offer it is usually necessary to supply a list of your paternal line ancestors for at least three or more generations. A list of currently available sponsorship offers from ISOGG project administrators is given below.

A list of projects offering Free DNA tests will be used at all Genealogical Conferences (where ISOGG volunteers are in attendance) to encourage and locate participants.

See also the ISOGG Project Administrator Guidelines.

Projects offering a free DNA test

Project Name Name Variations Contact Information Requirements
Abulafia For further details contact Leon K., [email protected]
Allen Guild International DNA Project Allen, Allan, Allin, Allyn Dr. Diane Click: [email protected]

Mr. Chris Allen: [email protected] Dr. Eric Allen: [email protected] Mr. Greg Allen: [email protected]

The Allen DNA Project is partnering with the Allen Guild of One Name Studies in an exciting new Research Endeavor. The Allen DNA Project is a USA based group, but is very interested in expanding our membership to a world-wide audience by actively seeking out Allens from England. Additionally, any spelling variation of the Allen surname is welcome: Allan, Allyn, Allin, etc.

FREE yDNA 12 marker tests MAY be made available to any males carrying the Allen surname and have an earliest male Allen ancestor from England proper and who are willing to join the project, agree to a consent form for research purposes, and participate in the testing. A limit of one test per immediate family member is enforced. The Allen Project must be contacted and in agreement prior to any ordering taking place. Additionally, The Allen DNA Project is setting aside a specific Sub-group within the Project with a full commitment of assistance from Allen Project Co-Administrator Dr. Eric Allen who will be overseeing this specific International Sub-group.
Athey Athey, Athy Contact Whit Athey at Will sponsor up to three 37-marker Y-DNA tests for Athey/Athy males who are natives of Ireland or the UK and provide a lineage chart.
Bacharach Bachrach, Bacherach, Bacher, Backrach, Bakerich, Bachrack, Bikrach Contact form at website: Free Y-37 test to anyone with the surname or variants
Balantine Balantine, Ballantine, Ballantyne For further details contact Steven Perkins, [email protected] Will sponsor up to three 37-marker Y-DNA tests for Balantine (and/or variants) males who are natives of Ireland or the UK and provide a lineage chart.
Barcus-Barkhurst Surname Project Barkhurst, Barcus, Barkis, Barchus, Barkus, Barkos, Barkess, Barcass, Barkas, Barcose, Barkhearse, Barkhearst, DeBarcus Please contact Project Administrator for questions or further details: Two free Y-DNA-37 marker tests (one per person) are available for any BARKHURST male. Our proper candidate is a resident of U.K. This offer is on a first-come first-served basis. No two males from same family please.
Barrett (and variants) Barrett and variants Jim Barrett [email protected] Offer not available for the 2016 WDYTYA Conference in England. Might possibly be available if there is a conference in Ireland in 2016. Three free Y DNA 12 marker tests are available for any male BARRETTs and variants who can provide ancestry of at least three BARRETT generations living in Ireland.
Barry Barre, Barree, Barrey, Barrie, Barrivane, Barry, Barrymore, deBarra, deBarre, deBarri, deBary, DuBarry, and others with direct documentation of a paternal relationship Contact the Barry Surname Project administrator, Jim Barry, at [email protected]

Barry Project web site

Also, please visit the Earls of Barrymore DNA Project, the first effort to test ancestral DNA from the remains of a member of the Anglo-Norman-Irish aristocracy. Free tests are available for selected contributors to the project.

Free introductory (12 marker) YDNA test for any man who is paternally related to any of the following:
  • The original Barry settlers in Ireland who arrived with the Norman-Welsh invasion in the 12th century
  • Colonel Charles Barry of Santry, Ireland (1660-1730)
  • James Redmond Barry of Donoughmore, Cork, Ireland, last claimant in 1825 to the title of Earl of Barrymore
  • John Smith-Barry of Cheshire, England (1725-1784)
  • The deBari or deBary family of Tournai, Belgium

The relationship must be established on the basis of primary documentation, which may include genealogical books and published pedigrees, but may not be based only on online family trees.

Bartlett Barclift, Bartlet, Bartlett, Bartley, Bartly, Bartolet, Berkley, Berkly, Bertlet, Burkley

Contact Jim Bartlett: [email protected]

The Bartlett-DNA surname project will fund two Y-DNA 37-marker tests for any BARTLETT (and variants) surnamed male who are natives of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Norway.* (American military base births excluded) Lineage submission required and subject to approval by administrator
Barton For further information, contact the administrator of the BARTON DNA Project. The BARTON DNA Project is offering a free 37-marker Y-DNA test to the first male BARTON of a family that has not previously been yDNA tested in the Barton DNA Project and who provides at least 4 generations of ancestry in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England, France or any other European country.
Bodkin BODKIN, BOTKIN, BODKINS, BOTKINS Please contact the Administrators of the Bodkin-Botkin Y-DNA Project

The Bodkin-Botkin Y-DNA project will sponsor up to two 37-marker Y-DNA tests for BODKIN or BOTKIN males who are natives of Ireland or the UK, whose lineage is not already represented in our study.

Lineage submission required and subject to approval by administrator.


FREE 12-marker YDNA test to any males with the BOLT (and variants) surname who are natives of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Norway.* (American military base births excluded)
  • Lineage submission required and subject to approval by administrator
Bonnell Bonnell, Bunnell, Burnell, Bonell, Bunell, Bonehill, Bunhill, ... Contact Project Administrators: Charlie Bunnell or Steven Bonnell, listed at Free initial Y-DNA tests for MALES with documented ancestry of several generations of subject surnames in Ireland, UK, and Western Europe areas (Reviewed on a case-by-case basis).
Boone BOONE, BOON, deBOHUN, LaBoon For further details contact the administrator of the Boone DNA Project or [email protected] A free 37 marker Y-DNA test is available for any BOONE, BOON or de BOHUN from England, Ireland, Scotland, British Isles.
Bowes Boag, Boas, Boase, Boaz, Boaze, Boe, Boey, Bogue, Booe, Bouse, Bow, Bowe, Bowie, Bows, Boy, Boye, Boze, Buie, Buoy. Other close spellings may be considered so email interest. Martha Bowes, [email protected] Free Y DNA 12-marker kit to assist males bearing these surnames to get started. In most cases later upgrades will be needed, but we have some subgroups that, due to the combination of uncommon surnames and rare markers, are reasonably identifiable at first pass using just 12 markers.

Please submit all known patrilineal information about your surname line, including available names, dates and places up to 1900.

Members receiving a free kit are strongly encouraged to return the favor by:

  • setting their project administrator access to at least 'limited' (to assist us with interpretation),
  • setting their Y DNA sharing to public (anonymized by kit number), and
  • filling out their earliest known ancestor field, country and GPS location.

    Admins can help with instructions.

    Please note: this volunteer project is not associated with the commercial products sold by Tyrone Bowes through Irish, Scottish and English Origenes. See 'Dubious commercial claims' at
  • Bracey Brace, Bracey, Bracie, Bracy, Bracye, Braissie, Brase, Brasee, Brasie, Brassey, Brassie, Brassy, Brasye, Braszi, Brazee, Brazie, Brazy, Brecy, Brescy, Bresei, Bressey, Bressie, Bressy, Bresy and Brissie Please contact the administrator of the Bracey Y-DNA Project The Bracey Y-DNA Project regrets that it can no longer provide free Y-DNA tests.
    Bradshaw Bradshaw Jennifer Zinck

    [email protected]

    Offering free 12 marker Y-DNA tests to BRADSHAW men who are not closely related to a male BRADSHAW who has already tested. Particularly interested in lineages from Sheffield, England and surrounding areas. Lineage submission required and subject to approval by sponsor. Based on pedigree, the sponsor or BRADSHAW group administrator may opt to offer 37 markers. Participants are encouraged to upgrade to 37, 67, or 111 markers.
    Braxton Blackston, Blackstone Linda Horton, [email protected] Will sponsor up to two 37-marker YDNA tests for Braxton/Blackston/Blackstone males who are resident in the UK or Ireland (US military base births or residents excluded). No two closely related males in the same family, please.
    Brewerton Bruerton Project administrator can be contacted at No free test is offered at this time.
    Brooks BROOK, BROOKE & BROOKES Nigel Brooks, [email protected]

    Brooks YDNA Project

    FREE 37-marker YDNA test to any males with the BROOKS (and variants) surname who have a proven family tree and whose direct family line are not represented within the project already. Family Tree required and subject to approval by administrator. The project encourages all participants to test to greater levels i.e 67 & 111 markers.
    Bryan Bryan, Bryant Linda Horton

    [email protected]

    Sponsor will attend the WDYTYA conference in Birmingham 6-8 Apr 2017 but offer is not limited to attendees who meet criteria.

    Will sponsor up to three 37-marker Y-DNA tests for Bryan/Bryant males who are natives of the UK, Ireland, or France and who agree to participate in the Bryan surname project. No two males from the same family please; proper candidate is resident in UK, Ireland, or France

    Subject to approval of test sponsor L. Horton

    Bumpus/Bumpas Bumpus, Bump, Bumpas, Bumpass, Bompasse Contact the project administrator: Barbara Good, e-mail: [email protected]

    Bumpus Surname DNA Project

    A new page is being created for the Bumpus project.

    The Bumpus DNA project will pay for two 37 marker Y-DNA tests for a man who can document at least four generations of male-line descent from a progenitor with the surname Bumpus or alternate spelling, who lives in the UK, Ireland or Europe and who is not closely related to others who have tested during the gathering. (i.e, no two males from the same family such as nephew and uncle, etc.) You must be willing to share your pedigree with other Bumpus family researchers.
    Bunch Bunch, Bunche For further information, contact the administrator of the Bunch DNA Project. The Bunch DNA project wants to expand its base beyond the USA: We are offering 12-marker Y-DNA test kits through Family Tree DNA for Bunch family lines that did not come through the United States. We are principally interested in British family lines that remained in Great Britain, but are also interested in recruiting emigrant lines from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Caribbean Islands, or wherever else the trail might lead. In most cases (I can't think of any exceptions, offhand) we would be willing to upgrade tests to at least 37 markers at the Project's expense.
    Cadwallader Cadwallader, Wallander, Wallander, Cadd Nancy Wallander [email protected] Will sponsor up to five 37-marker Y-DNA tests for Cadwallader or listed variant surnamed males who are natives of the UK, Ireland, and Wales and provide a lineage chart.
    Caird Katherine Borges, CAIRD DNA Project Administrator

    FREE 12-marker YDNA test to any male with the CAIRD surname. Lineage submission required and subject to approval by administrator
    Caldwell Family Finder Caldwell Derrell Oakley Teat

    [email protected]

    You may be eligible for free autosomal (family finder) testing if you are descended from a Caldwell family within 5 generations. Mixed gender lines are accepted in this project.
    Calhoun/Colquhoun/Calhoon Calhoun; Calhoon; Colquhoun; Kilpatrick; Kirkpatrick For questions, please contact Gail Riddell at [email protected] Males with the surname to the left AND who have a pedigree of at least 4 generations AND who reside in the UK are invited to take a free Y-37 DNA test.
    Callaway Family Association Callaway, Calloway, Kelway, Kelleway, Kellaway, Kelloway, Calway, Caillouet, Kellow, etc. For further information, contact the project administrator of the Callaway Family Association DNA Project The Callaway Family Assocation DNA Project is offering free 12 marker Y-DNA tests to CALLAWAY men and surname variations who are not closely related to a male CALLAWAY who has already tested. Lineage submission required and subject to approval by administrator. Based on pedigree, the group administrator may opt to offer 37 markers. Participants are encouraged to upgrade to 37, 67, or 111 markers.
    Carpenter Cousins The Carpenter Cousins Project supports the surnames of Carpenter, Carpentier, Charpentier and similar variations.

    Zimmerman, Timmerman, Simmerman and similar variations.

    At this time (Feb 2024) only limited funds are available for English ancestry Carpenters as cited.

    Send genealogy/pedigree or questions to: John R. Carpenter. ([email protected])

    See also our Carpenter Cousins main web page.
    See also the Carpenter Surname Page associated with the Guild of One Name Studies.

    The Carpenter Cousins Y-DNA Project is willing to supply a free Y-DNA test kit to a qualified living male Carpenter surname with a biological ancestry of Carpenter or similar surname ancestry in England with genealogy into or earlier than the 1700s.

    Specifically we are looking for English Carpenter lines believed to be associated with the American lineages on our lineage page here. Specifically, Groups 2 and 3 who have a connection to Wiltshire.

    Our ultimate goal is to connect American Carpenters with English Carpenters genetically and genealogically.

    Those interested in Y-DNA testing should submit their basic genealogy/pedigree for review. See the "Contact" section below. Privacy issues and concerns are usually dealt with by using DNA submitter alpha/numeric codes. As needed, a higher level of privacy can be arranged.

    Updated 10 Feb 2024.

    Carragher Carragher, Carraher, Caraher [email protected] A free 37 marker Y-DNA kit will be made available to any CARRAGHER (or variant) who can provide proven ancestry prior to 1850, whose CARRAGHER ancestors are from Ireland, and who is not closely related to anyone already in the CARRAGHER DNA project. This offer is on a first-come, first-served basis.
    Carter Carter, Chartier, McCarter Send genealogy/pedigree or questions to: Mike Terry.

    See also our Carter DNA Project main web page.

    A free 12 STR marker Y-DNA test is available to any Carter male who is a native of the UK and who is willing to both participate in our Carter Y-DNA Project and provide details for at least four generations of his paternal Carter ancestry.
    Cass (Corcu Loígde) Cass, Cas, Cos, Coss, Cosse, O'Coise, O'Cais Susan Barretta, [email protected], Corca Laidhe Regional Y DNA Project at FTDNA The Corca Laidhe regional Y DNA project does not give away free tests unconditionally at DNA shows.

    The Corca Laidhe project is a regional research study, not a relative matching project or a haplogroup project.

    Members meeting project requirements and can demonstrate paternal line ancestry from County Cork could be eligible for $150 towards Big Y. Scholarship money is awarded only during FTDNA sales.

    See the project FAQ for complete details.

    Cass is NOT the same name as Casey, Costly, Costigan, Coshedy, Cashin, Cashel or Cashman.

    Cassidy Please contact Candy Jones Campise at [email protected]. During the "2018 Back To Our Past/Genetic Genealogy Ireland" in Dublin, a free Y-DNA 37-marker test is available to one CASSIDY male who is a native of Ireland and who is willing to both participate in the CASSIDY & Variant Spellings Y-DNA Project and provide details for at least four generations of his paternal CASSIDY ancestry.
    Cauble Kauble/Cobble/Kable/Cabel Revis Leonard, Administrator ([email protected]) or Cauble Project at FREE 12 marker YDNA test to any males with the CAUBLE (and variants) surname who are natives of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland and Northern Ireland. Lineage submission required and subject to approval by administrator. Based on pedigree, the group administrator may opt to offer 37 markers. Participants are encouraged to upgrade to 37, 67 or 111 markers.
    Cecil-Cissell Cissell, Gascoyne-Cecil, Saycol, Cecil and similar variations For information contact the Cecil-Cissell Project Administrator at: [email protected] A free 37-marker Y-DNA test is offered for any family member with the identified surnames of recent British ancestry whose lineage is not yet represented in the project and who are willing to provide family information to help Project efforts.
    Chadwell For further information,contact the administrator of the CHADWELL DNA Project Sponsored y-DNA-37 tests, including membership in the CHADWELL Project, are available for any CHADWELL male with recent non-US CHADWELL ancestry. In addition, sponsorships exist for descendants of various CHADWELL ancestors of interest. Please see the CHADWELL DNA project website for details. Sponsorship tests are on a first-come, first-served basis and are subject to administrator approval. Must provide ancestry through your CHADWELL great grandfather. Must be willing to share CHADWELL ancestry and results with DNA matches. Limit one per family please. To apply or for questions, please contact an administrator listed on the CHADWELL Project website.
    Chichester None For further details or questions please contact the Project Administrator at Two free Y-DNA-37 marker tests (one per person) are available for any CHICHESTER who can provide proven Devon ancestry. Our proper candidate is a resident of England or Ireland. This offer is on a first-come first-served basis. No two males from same family please.
    Choate Choat, Chote, Shoate, Shoat, Shote, etc. For further details contact the project administrator at [email protected] to discuss eligibility and make arrangements for delivery of the DNA test kit. A free Y-dna 37 marker test is available for any male Choate, or variant spelling, who can provide proven ancestry for (desired) 5 generations relating to their Choate male line, and who is not closely related to anyone already in the project. Lineage submission required and subject to approval by the administrator. Five proven generations is desired, but do not let this deter you from contacting the administrator if you do not have that many generations of genealogical detail.
    Cloud/Cloude Cloud, Cloude Contact DNA Project Administrator, Tom Cloud FREE 12-marker YDNA test to any males with the CLOUD (and variants) surname who are natives of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and Northern Ireland. (American military base births excluded)

    Lineage submission required and subject to approval by administrator

    Cochran Cockerham, Cockern, Cockram, Cockrane Linda Horton, [email protected] Will sponsor up to three 37-marker YDNA tests for Cochran/Cockerham males who are resident in the UK or Ireland (US military base births or residents excluded). No two closely related males in the same family, please.
    Coffey COFFEY For further information visit the Coffey DNA Project I am prepared to pay for up to two 37-marker y-DNA tests for COFFEY men that can show Northern Ireland roots going back at least 3 generations.

    1) One can be from any location in Northern Ireland

    2) The other must show roots going back to the Ards Peninsula in County Down.

    Of particular interest are the Coffeys who are fishermen from the Ards Peninsula, who are typically Presbyterian and who fish the sea between Ireland and Scotland. You can read a discussion of my interest in the following page from my DNA Project Web Page related to County Down

    Coker Coker, Coaker. Contact Steve Coker at or OFFER #1. A free Y-DNA test for Coker men born in the UK, and who provide a direct paternal Coker lineage that can be documented to at least 1800 in the UK.

    OFFER #2. A free Y-DNA test for Coker men born in the USA, and who provide a direct paternal Coker lineage that can be documented to at least 1750 in VA, NC, or SC.

    All testing is at the discretion of the contact person. Results will be displayed at The Coker DNA Project. Login access to manage the DNA results will be given to the donor buying the test and the project administrators.

    Coldwell Free DNA tests/Coldwell Free DNA tests/Coldwell Free DNA tests/Coldwell
    Collins Collins, Collens, Collyns Collins_Newfoundland project administrator, Marilyn Collins Pilkington. Email address: [email protected] A free Y-DNA-37 marker test is available from the Collins_Newfoundland Project for any male with surname Collins having proven ancestry for at least 5 generations stemming from the parishes around, and including, Cobh and Cork City. Depending on take-up, consideration may also be given to testing other candidates free of charge.
    Collins/Collings Colin, Collen, Collens, Collin, Colling, Collings, Collins, Collis, Colwyn, Cullen, Cullens, McCollen, McCollin Susan Barretta, [email protected], Collins DNA Project at FTDNA The project does not unconditionally give away free introductory Y DNA tests.

    Once members meet FTDNA account setup, family tree documentation, and other requirements, they could be eligible for partial Y DNA upgrade scholarships (111 marker and Big Y only), saving potentially 25% or more. Scholarship money is awarded only during FTDNA sales.

    See the project FAQ page for details at

    The project has hundreds of dollars available for its members.

    Anyone who is not eligible for the Y DNA project but is interested in Y project news is welcome to join the external mailing list at

    Colton Colton, Coulton Contact Robyn Gygi at [email protected] Will sponsor up to ten 12-marker Y-DNA tests for Colton males who meet these criteria:
    • Natives of the UK, Australia, or New Zealand
    • Have male ancestry in the UK
    • Provide a lineage chart
    Connolly Connolly, Connelly Susan Barretta, [email protected], Conley and Connolly Y DNA Project at FTDNA The project does not unconditionally give away free introductory Y DNA tests.

    Once members meet FTDNA account setup, family tree documentation, and other requirements, they could be eligible for partial Y DNA upgrade scholarships (111 marker and Big Y only), saving potentially 25% or more. Scholarship money is awarded only during FTDNA sales.

    See the project FAQ page for details at

    The project has hundreds of dollars available for its members.

    Anyone who is not eligible for the Y DNA project but is interested in Connolly project news is welcome to join the external mailing list at

    Corby Corby, Corboy, (Mac/Ó) Corrbuí, (Mac/Ó) Corrbuidhe For further information contact the administrators of the Corby DNA project via the project website at A free 37-marker Y-DNA test is on offer for any Corby (or variant surname) whose lineage is not yet represented in the project.
    Corson Courson, Coursen, Curzon, Colson, Corsa, Coursey, Vroom For further information, contact the administrator of the Corson DNA project. Free 37-marker DNA tests are available for men who can document at least 3 generations of male-line descent from a progenitor with the surname CORSON, COURSON, CURZON, COURCON, or a similar variant who was born in Europe, particularly Scotland, France, or England.
    Coverly Family Finder Coverley, Coverly, deCoverly, Andrews, Baber, Barber, Barker, Bougourd, Carlton, Ayres, Crane, Fuller, Gayner, Glover, Hart, Hooton, Howitt, James, Knight, Langdon, Lloyd, Longman, Luttman, McGuire, Mitchell, Poole, Ridley, Rogers, Veale, Wills - and other branches. For further details, contact the administrator at Coverly FamilyFinder project You may be eligible for free autosomal (family finder) testing if you are descended from a London Coverly family within 5 generations. Mixed gender lines are accepted in this project.
    Cowhig (Corcu Loígde) Cowhig, Cohig, Cowig, Coughey, Cowhey, Cowhy, Coffee, Coffey Susan Barretta, [email protected], Corca Laidhe Regional Y DNA Project at FTDNA The Corca Laidhe regional Y DNA project does not give away free tests unconditionally at DNA shows.

    The Corca Laidhe project is a regional research study, not a relative matching project or a haplogroup project.

    Members meeting project requirements and can demonstrate paternal line ancestry from County Cork could be eligible for $150 towards Big Y. Scholarship money is awarded only during FTDNA sales.

    See the project FAQ for complete details.

    Cowhig is NOT a form of Cowden, Cowper, Coweny, Cowling, or Cowley.

    Crickmer Crickmer, Creekman, Creekmore, Crickman, Crickmay, Crickmore Steven Perkins, Project Administrator

    [email protected]

    Will sponsor up to three 37-marker Y-DNA tests for Crickmer (and/or variants) males who are natives of Ireland or the UK and provide a lineage chart.
    Crumley Crumley, Crumly, Crumbley, and other variants FREE 12-marker YDNA test to any males with the CRUMLEY (and variants) surname who are natives of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Norway.* (American military base births excluded)

    Lineage submission required and subject to approval by administrators

    Cruse/Cruise/Cruwys CREWES, CREWS, CRUISE, CRUSE, CRUWYS, SCREWS and SCRUSE For further information contact the administrator of the Cruse/Cruwys DNA project. Free Y-DNA tests are available for men with the surnames CREWES, CREWS, CRUISE, CRUSE,CRUWYS and SCRUSE. The offer is open to men with documented lineages from the British Isles. The offer is restricted to a maximum of two tests per lineage. The project is also able to sponsor free 111-marker Y-DNA tests for Irish or British men with the surname CRUISE. For the qualifying criteria see the flyers for the Cruise Men of Ireland project and the Cruise Men of Britain Project. The project is also able to offer a free Y-DNA test to any African American with the surname SCREWS with a documented SCREWS lineage in Alabama.
    Curd Curde, Curds For further details contact the administrator of the Curd DNA Project. A free 37-marker test for any male with the surname Curd, Curde or Curds is available to anyone who presents for testing at Who Do You Think You Are? Live.
    Dalton Dalton, D'Alton, Daton, Daughton, Daulton, Dolton, Daltuin, Dawton Please contact Clan Dalton Administrator K.T. Dalton-Mapstone at to discuss eligibility.

    Visit our Clan Dalton website at for additional information.

    A free 37 marker Y-DNA kit will be made available to any DALTON (or variant) who can prove lineage prior to 1850 and whose DALTON ancestors are from the Rathconrath, County Westmeath area and/or the Carrick-on-Suir, County Tipperary region. Our proper candidate is a resident of Ireland, the UK or France and not closely related to anyone currently in a DALTON Surname Project. This offer is on a first-come, first-served basis.
    Danko Dańko For further information, contact the administrator of the Danko surname project. The DANKO Surname Project is offering a free 37-marker Y-DNA test to men with the surname DANKO with ancestry from southeastern Poland, western Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, or Hungary.
    Davenport Davenport, Devenport Please contact the administrator of the Davenport Surname DNA Project for further information: William Davenport

    Visit the Davenport project web site here:

    The Davenport Surname DNA Project is offering a free 37 marker Y-DNA test for up to two male Davenport’s with known English ancestry to Cheshire and the surrounding area. The participant should be able to supply a brief genealogy showing the connection, and not have a near relative who has already been tested. ------ We also have one free 37 marker Y-DNA test for a Davenport or Davis who has Richard Davis in their line. Richard, on 25 June 1660, received a grant for 600 acres in New Kent County, Virginia, on the north side of Mattaponi River on Digges' Creek
    Daw DAW or DAWE Contact the DAWE DNA Project for further details. Any DAW or DAWE with documented links to the south west Devon farming areas in particular may be eligible for a subsidy to get up to 67 markers tested should they belong to a line without a confirmed DNA signature. Important Note: This offer is not available for Who Do You Think You Are? Live.
    Day Sherry Stevens: [email protected] 10 free y-DNA 37-marker tests for men in UK with surname Day.
    DeLoach DeLoach, DeLoache Contact Steve Coker at or A free Y-DNA test for DeLoach men who provide a direct paternal DeLoach lineage that can be documented to at least 1800.

    All testing is at the discretion of the contact person. Results will be displayed at The DeLoach DNA Project. Login access to manage the DNA results will be given to the donor buying the test and the project administrators.

    Dewberry Dayberry, Deberry, Dewberry, Dewsbury, Dube, Duberry, Dubey, etc. Robyn Gygi, email: [email protected]

    Learn more at The Deberry DNA Project website.

    Will sponsor up to ten 12-marker Y-DNA tests for Dewberry males who meet these criteria:
    • Natives of the UK, Australia, New Zealand
    • Provide a lineage chart
    Dickey Dick, Dickee, Dickey, Dicki, Dickie, Dicky, Dik, Dikie, Dikkie, Dikky, Dyckes, Dyckey, Dycky To contact project administrator Lucy Nelson, click on her name from the project's website to reveal her email address.

    Dickey Surname Project Website

    The Dickey Surname Project is offering a FREE Y-37 DNA test to a direct male descendant of George Dickey b. abt. 1690 Ireland d. 1748 Pennsylvania, married Margaret Walker. Please contact the Dickey project administrator if you qualify.
    Dimond Diamond, Dymond Dimond_Newfoundland project administrator, Marilyn Collins Pilkington. Email address: [email protected] A free Y-DNA 12 marker test (or greater), at the administrator’s discretion, is available from the Dimond_Newfoundland project for any male with the surname Dimond/Diamond/Dymond who can trace his ancestry back to the late 1600s, early 1700s, in the HONITON / EXETER areas of Devon, England. We will also test free of charge a DIMOND/DIAMOND/DYMOND male who has documented male-line ancestry to John Dimond (1613–1667) of KITTERY, Maine, or to Edward Dimond (c1646-1732) of MARBLEHEAD, Massachusetts
    Dolan Dolan Jennifer Zinck, Dolan Project Administrator

    [email protected]

    Offering free 12 marker Y-DNA tests to DOLAN men who are not closely related to a male DOLAN who has already tested. Particularly interested in lineages from Sunderland, England and surrounding areas as well as Ireland. Lineage submission required and subject to approval by sponsor. Based on pedigree, the DOLAN group administrator may opt to offer 37 markers or more. Participants are encouraged to upgrade to 37, 67, or 111 markers.
    Doolin (Corcu Loígde) Doolin, Doolan, Doolen, Dooling, O'Duulaing, Driscoll Doolin Susan Barretta, [email protected], Corca Laidhe Regional Y DNA Project at FTDNA The Corca Laidhe regional Y DNA project does not give away free tests unconditionally at DNA shows.

    The Corca Laidhe project is a regional research study, not a relative matching project or a haplogroup project.

    Members meeting project requirements and can demonstrate paternal line ancestry from County Cork could be eligible for $150 towards Big Y. Scholarship money is awarded only during FTDNA sales.

    See the project FAQ for complete details.

    This name is NOT a form of Dooley or Dolan. In West Cork some people named Driscoll were also called Doolen and their paternal line descendants would also be eligible.

    Driscoll/Driskil/Driskill Driscoll, O'Driscoll, Driskil, Driskill, West Cork secondary name variations: Cadogan, Chronicane, Doolin, Finn, Fuhill, Gosnell, McKennedy, Minihane, Whooley Susan Barretta, [email protected], Driscoll DNA Project at FTDNA The project does not unconditionally give away free introductory Y DNA tests.

    Once members meet FTDNA account setup, family tree documentation, and other requirements, they could be eligible for partial Y DNA upgrade scholarships (111 marker and Big Y only), saving potentially 25% or more. Scholarship money is awarded only during FTDNA sales. See the project FAQ page for details at

    The Driscoll project has awarded $1000's of dollars in Y DNA scholarships.

    Anyone who is not eligible for the Y DNA project but is interested in Driscoll research and project news is welcome to join the external mailing list at

    Dunbar Visit our Project at: Dunbar DNA Project

    Send genealogy/pedigree or questions to Debra Dunbar Nowell:

    The Dunbar DNA Project is offering free 37-marker Y-DNA Family Tree DNA tests to any male Dunbar with ancestry to a specific time and location and native to Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England, France or any other European country who is not closely related to a male Dunbar already tested.** Your direct male Dunbar line chart will be needed to complete the testing process. **Exception to "not closely related to a male Dunbar already tested" is not required at any conference, festival, etc. outside North America where ISOGG is attending.
    Duncan Duncan, Dunkin, Dunken, Duncanson Tim Duncan

    Administrator: Donnachaidh DNA Project Website: Email: [email protected]

    We offer a free 37 marker Y-DNA test kits to Duncan men, and variant surnames, that have a documented family history at least to a gggrandfather and a documented connection to Scotland and/or Ireland. All others please contact project administrators. Visit our project website at for much information about our research. A participant needs to be willing to share their male line ancestry, help in test upgrade costs, and assist in further genealogy research.

    This offer is offered on a first come bases and is limited to 4 test kits. This 37 marker test may need to be upgraded to obtain increased resolution for matching. A participant receiving a free test needs to be willing to help pay some of the upgrade costs as the DNA project will consider also contributing more funds to an upgrade.

    Persons with any questions please contact Tim Duncan at [email protected].

    Durkin Durkin, Durkan, Durcan For further details contact the Project Administrator at or e-mail: [email protected] to discuss eligibility and make arrangements for delivery of the DNA test kit.

    A limited number of free Y-DNA-37 marker test are available with the following conditions:
    • Any DURKIN (or variant) of Irish descent.
    • Can provide proven ancestry for at least 4 generations
    • Lives in the UK, Ireland, or the US.
    • Not closely related to anyone already in the project.

    This offer is on a first-come first-served basis.

    Eastman Easman, Eastman, Eastmond, Eastmonds, Estman, Estmond, Estmund, Ostmund Contact the EASTMAN DNA Project

    FREE 12-marker YDNA test to any males with the EASTMAN (and variants) surname who are natives of Europe. (American military base births excluded)

    Lineage submission required and subject to approval by administrator

    Elder Elder, Elders Nancy Elder Petersen Admin

    1 free 37 marker kit for ELDER or ELDERS
    Familton Please contact the administrator of the Familton Surname DNA Project,

    Further information available on the supplementary pages for the Familton Surname DNA project:

    Any direct male line FAMILTON not closely related to existing representative(s), subsidies exit to test up to Y-DNA67.
    Farr FARR Derrell Oakley Teat

    [email protected]

    (2) Free Y DNA 37 marker test is available for any male FARR who can provide ancestry at least four to five generations who is living in Scotland, Ireland, UK, or who visits the Family Tree DNA or ISOGG stands during the Who Do You Think You Are? Conferences Live or Ireland’s Back to the Past, and who is not closely related to others who have tested. (i.e, no two males from the same family such as nephew and uncle, etc

    “We have more than 60 men who have been Y-DNA tested for this project, but most reside in the USA. A surname analysis by Dr. Tyrone BOWES from the 1841 Census of Britain indicates clusters of our surname variations in: ENGLAND in: Bradenstoke, Cornwall, Devon, Essex, Gloucestershire (Ferris Court farm in Eastcombe), North Wiltshire, Somerset, Trowbridge and the border lands with Scotland; SCOTLAND in: Aberdeenshire, Dumfriesshire, Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire (Rutherglen) & Stirlingshire; IRELAND (1911 Census) in: County Antrim, County Carlow, County Cork. County Donegal, County Down, County Fermanagh, County Kerry (where there is a Dunferris = Ferris hillfort & a Ferris/Moriarty Castle called Ballymalis), County Mayo, County Sligo & County Tyrone.”

    The FARRIS Surname Group Project at Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) will offer at least 4 free Y-DNA 37 marker tests to males that meet the following requirements:

    a. He is living male with a surname listed to the left. b. He now lives in Britain or Ireland c. We would prefer that he has a four or five generation documented pedigree going back to a location in Britain or Ireland. However, we will consider male applicants that have strong family links to Britain or Ireland prior to 1850 which include known locations such as counties, villages, Churches, etc. d. He is willing to provide & share pertinent family information to assist our project. e. He is not related to another applicant for this free test. We don’t want two or more men from the same family. f. Consideration will also be given to potential candidates with one of the listed surnames living in other countries (other than the USA) who can trace their direct male line to a specific place in Britain or Ireland with documented records prior to 1850.

    Favell Favell, Favel, Favill, Fauvel Peg A. Ivanyo, [email protected] Sponsorship of a 37-marker Y-DNA test is offered for any Favell whose lineage is not already represented in our study (up to maximum of ten available in 2016). Our primary interest is toward those with ancestral origins in England, particularly Lincolnshire, but the study is open to all with the Favell surname in order to compare ancestral settlements throughout the world. Lineage submission is required - four generations preferred. Please contact with any questions.
    Feaster For additional information and to set up kit delivery, please contact Lisa (eMail [email protected]). A free AUTOSOMAL DNA (atDNA) test is being offered for descendants of Ira Jordan Feaster born c1815, Edgefield County, SC and died after Feb 1881 probably in Monroe County, Alabama.
    Fehilly (Corcu Loígde) Fihilly, Fyhilly (possibly anglicized to Fields) Susan Barretta, [email protected], Corca Laidhe Regional Y DNA Project at FTDNA The Corca Laidhe regional Y DNA project does not give away free tests unconditionally at DNA shows.

    The Corca Laidhe project is a regional research study, not a relative matching project or a haplogroup project.

    Members meeting project requirements and can demonstrate paternal line ancestry from County Cork could be eligible for $150 towards Big Y. Scholarship money is awarded only during FTDNA sales.

    See the project FAQ for complete details.

    Fehilly, Fehily, Fyhilly, possibly called Fields today.

    Fitzgerald Fitzgerald The FITZGERALD Surname Project Administrator, Linda Magellan FREE 12-marker YDNA test to any males with the FITZGERALD (and variants) surname who are natives of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Norway.* (American military base births excluded)

    Lineage submission required and subject to approval by administrator.

    Fleming Appalachians Project Fleming All qualified respondents please contact any one of the following DNA Project administrators:

    Gary Mullins: [email protected] Tony Fleming: [email protected], Janice Lambert: [email protected] You can find more information on this project by going to:

    A free Y-DNA-37 marker test is available from the Fleming Appalachians Project for any male with surname Fleming having proven ancestry that they can provide for at least 5 generations in the following Northern Ireland counties: Derry, Antrim, Tyrone. Special consideration will be given any Fleming male with information that ties his line to a William Fleming who married a Virginia (Jenny) Buchanan who may have had a son named Robert Fleming born circa 1773.
    Flowers Flour, Flower, Flowers, etc. Contact Robyn Gygi at [email protected]

    Learn more at the Flowers DNA Project website.

    Will sponsor one 12-marker Y-DNA test for a Flowers male who meets these criteria:
    1. Native of the UK, Australia, or New Zealand
    2. Has male ancestry in the UK
    3. Provide a lineage chart
    Foad Foad, Foade, Foat, Foate. Our DNA project web site is at Foad Surname DNA Project. For questions about DNA testing and the project itself, please contact the project administrator through the web site (hint -- Click the Join button and ask your question in the box on the form). A sponsored 67-marker Y-DNA test is available for any male FOAD (or variant surname). A paternal lineage submission of several generations is required and will be reviewed by the administrator.
    Fox Fox, Fuchs, Vaux, Fox-Strangways Contact the administrator: Joseph Fox, [email protected],

    Updated 3/26/2015

    Fox Project will sponsor two free 12 marker Y-DNA tests to a male Fox from England who will supply his full known paternal ancestry, subject to approval by the administrator. We have over 200 men already in the Fox Project including many from the British Isles. We will also sponsor a free 12 marker y-DNA test to a male with the surname Fox-Strangways - we suspect you have a match in the Fox Project. Cost of further testing up to 37 markers can be discussed after the 12 marker results are posted.
    Franklin Franklin, Franklyn, Frankling, Frankland, Franckland If you are a Franklin (or variant) surnamed male and would like additional information on the Franklin project, please contact the project administrator at (eMail [email protected]) or to setup delivery of a DNA test kit. We also offer testing via FTDNA's booth at events hosted in England, Ireland or Scotland. Additional information on the Franklin Y DNA surname project may be viewed here Free Y DNA tests are available for Franklin (or variant) surname men with ancestral Franklin (or variant) lineage in England, Scotland and Ireland.

    Free Y DNA tests are also available for male Franklin direct descendants of these men in the United States-

    Josiah Franklin

    Bird Franklin

    Owen Franklin

    John Franklin

    James Franklin

    Fraser Fraser, Frazer Gail Riddell - contact at [email protected] Free Y-37 test to any man who can demonstrate Scottish birth in the last 200 years.
    Freeland Freeland Please contact project administrator Lucy Nelson. Click on her name from the project's website to reveal her email address.

    Freeland Surname Project

    Free Big Y test for descendants of James Freeland b. circa 1796 Monongalia County, VA, who married Mahala Burch. James had sons Levi, Thomas, Samuel, and Simeon.
    Gaines Contact Derrell Oakley Teat

    [email protected]

    (2) Free Y DNA 37 marker test is available for any male GAINES who can provide ancestry at least four to five generations who is living in Scotland, Ireland, UK, or who visits the Family Tree DNA or ISOGG stands during the Who Do You Think You Are? Conferences Live or Ireland’s Back to the Past, and who is not closely related to others who have tested. (i.e, no two males from the same family such as nephew and uncle, etc
    Gessert Gessert (no spelling variants allowed) Phyllis Gessert Garratt, FamilyTreeDNA Gessert Surname Project Co-Administrator, [email protected] Two free 37-marker Y-DNA tests are available for men from anyplace in the world who visit the FTDNA or ISOGG booths at any non-US conference and who submit documentation to Project Administrator of at least three generations of direct male-line descent from a progenitor with the surname GESSERT (no spelling variants allowed). Testers must be willing to join the Gessert Y-DNA Surname Project at FamilyTreeDNA, sharing results with the Project Administrators and other members of the Project. No closely related males from the same family or those who are closely related to current Gessert Project members please
    Girdlestone Girdleston, Gerdelstone, Gurdelstone Please contact Chris Girdlestone at
    Gladstone Gledstane, Gladstones, Gledstanes For questions, contact Gail Riddell Gladstone at [email protected] Any male who either lives in or has a 6 generation pedigree based in the UK is eligible for a free Y-37 DNA test.
    Gough/Goff/McGough GOUGH, GOFF, GOFFE, ANGOVE, MCGOUGH, MCGOFF For further details, please contact the Group Administrator at The GOUGH / GOFF / MCGOUGH Project is offering a free 37-marker Y-DNA test for any male in the UK, Ireland, Australia or New Zealand with the surname GOUGH, GOFF, MCGOUGH or other variant, provided he submits his paternal ancestry and is not too closely related to someone who has previously tested.
    Graves GRAVES, GREAVES, GRAVE, GRIEVE, GRIEVES, GREEVES Contact the administrator of the Graves DNA Project at [email protected] for further information. The GRAVES/GREAVES DNA Project is offering a free 37-marker Y-DNA test for any male in the UK or Ireland with the surname GRAVES, GREAVES, GRIEVE or other variant provided that he submits information about his ancestry and is not too closely related to someone who has already tested.
    Guffey Guffee, Guffey, Guffie, Guffog, Guffy, MacGuffey, MacGuffie, MacGuffog, MacGuffy, McGuffee, McGuffey, McGuffie, McGuffog, McGuffy Please contact the project administrator, Susan Milligan, at [email protected]. You can view the project website at The Guffey DNA Project will sponsor up to three 37 marker Y-DNA tests. Participants must be a male with one of the listed surname variants and be able to produce at least a three generation pedigree in the direct male line.
    Halloran Hollarn, O'Halloran [email protected] Two Halloran Y-37 kits if they have a family tree with at least 3 generations of Halloran ancestry (or surname variant) and are not related to Hallorans already tested. From East Galway, Galway Urban area, and Mayo in that priority. Please contact the sponsor first before testing.
    Ham HAM, HAMM, HAMME, HAMMES Contact Dave Hamm of the Ham Country DNA Project for further information [email protected]. The HAM DNA Project funds Y-DNA tests for males with the surnames HAM, HAMME, HAMMES.

    This offer is limited to 6 free kits total.

    Requirements For Free Tests: The project will sponsor free 111-marker Y-DNA tests for British men with the surname HAM. The offer is open to men with documented lineages from London or Somerset in the British Isles. The offer is limited to:

    • A maximum of two free tests per lineage.
    • A maximum of three free tests total with (male) London area ancestry.
    • A maximum of three free tests total with (male) Somerset area ancestry.

    In order to qualify for the offer, it is necessary to supply a list of your paternal line ancestors for at least three or more generations (i.e., to grandfather), in order to verify the limit of two free kits per lineage.

    Requirements for Financial Aid:

    The project also provide some limited funding for other males named HAM who need financial assistance. The HAM DNA Project will pay half the cost of Y-DNA tests, up to the maximum available in the HAM DNA Project General Fund. See:

    Hanrahan Hanrahan, Handrahan, O'Hanrahan Susan Barretta, [email protected], Joint DNA Project at FTDNA (including Hanrahan) Hanrahan is part of a Joint Surnames project. The project does not offer free tests unconditionally at DNA shows.

    Once members meet FTDNA account setup, family tree documentation, and other requirements, they could be eligible for partial Y DNA upgrade scholarships (111 marker and Big Y only), saving potentially 25% or more. Scholarship money is awarded only during FTDNA sales. See the project FAQ page for details at

    The project currently has hundreds of dollars available for scholarships.

    Anyone who is not eligible for the Y DNA project but is interested in project news is welcome to join the external mailing list at

    Harrison Harrison, Harrisson, Haruson and similar variations John Harrison, [email protected], The Harrison DNA Project is offering up to three free 37-marker Y-DNA test to the first male Harrison of a family that has not previously been Y-DNA tested in the Harrison DNA Project and who provides at least 5 generations of ancestry in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, or England.
    Hatcher Contact:
    • (William Watson)
    • (Bill Schultz)
    • (both admins)
    • (Jeff Hatcher) (Co-admin)

    See our website with the genealogical database:

    Five free Y-DNA-37 marker tests are available for any HATCHER man who can provide proven direct male-line descent from an ancestor born in the UK at least 5 generations ago or born prior to 1850, and who is not closely related to anyone already in the project. This offer is on a first-come first-served basis.
    Hendricks Hendrick, Hendrix, Hendryx For further details contact the Project Administrator at [email protected] or to discuss eligibility and make arrangements for delivery of the DNA test kit.

    Five free Y-DNA-37 marker tests are available for any HENDRICKS (or variant) who can provide proven ancestry for at least 5 generations or prior to 1850, who lives in the UK or Ireland, and who is not closely related to anyone already in the project. This offer is on a first-come first-served basis.
    Hennessy (Corcu Loígde) Hennessy, Henessy, Henesy Susan Barretta, [email protected], Corca Laidhe Regional Y DNA Project at FTDNA The Corca Laidhe regional Y DNA project does not give away free tests unconditionally at DNA shows.

    The Corca Laidhe project is a regional research study, not a relative matching project or a haplogroup project.

    Members meeting project requirements and can demonstrate paternal line ancestry from County Cork could be eligible for $150 towards Big Y. Scholarship money is awarded only during FTDNA sales.

    See the project FAQ for complete details.

    Hickson Hixson, Hixon, Higson For further information, contact the administrator of the Hickson project at

    NOTE: The surname Hicks is *not* included in this project.

    Free 12-marker test to any man of British descent with the surname Hickson or any variation, provided you supply a pedigree of 5 generations (paternal line and their wives). The earliest man must have had the surname HICKSON, HIXSON, HIXON or HIGSON, must have been born in Britain, and must have died before 1841. Please provide references to original sources (no secondary sources). Family Bibles are acceptable.
    Hodgens Hodgens / Hudgens / Hodgson Contact Derrell Oakley Teat, Project Admin. [email protected] Will sponsor two (2) 37-marker Y-DNA tests with 3-4 generations lineage chart provided for a native of the United Kingdom.
    Hodges-Hodge HODGE, HODGES (and possibly Hoge, Hoges) For further information, contact either of the administrators of the HODGES-HODGE DNA Project: Ron Hodges <[email protected]> or Terry Barton <[email protected]> The HODGES-HODGE DNA Project is offering a free 37-marker Y-DNA test to the first male HODGE or HODGES,of a family that has not previously been yDNA tested in the Hodges-Hodge DNA Project and who provides at least 4 generations of ancestry in England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France or any other European country..

    The HODGES-HODGE DNA Project makes the same offer to a man with the HOGES or HOGE spelling, BUT ONLY IF he pronounces his name like HODGES or HODGE and NOT like HOGG..

    Hollister Holister, Hollester Contact The Hollister DNA Project is offering free Y-DNA 37-Marker tests for men with the surname HOLLISTER, HOLISTER or HOLLESTER. The offer is open to men with documented lineages from Any Country. The offer will be subject to the approval of the Administrators' assessment that the outcome is likely to benefit the project.
    Hooney (Corcu Loígde) Hooney, Owney, O'hUainidhe, might be anglicized as Green(e). Susan Barretta, [email protected], Corca Laidhe Regional Y DNA Project at FTDNA The Corca Laidhe regional Y DNA project does not give away free tests unconditionally at DNA shows.

    The Corca Laidhe project is a regional research study, not a relative matching project or a haplogroup project.

    Members meeting project requirements and can demonstrate paternal line ancestry from County Cork could be eligible for $150 towards Big Y. Scholarship money is awarded only during FTDNA sales.

    See the project FAQ for complete details.

    Hooney, Owney from west County Cork

    Horan Horan, Houran, Houren, Howren, O'Horan Susan Barretta, [email protected], Joint DNA Project at FTDNA (including Horan) Horan is part of the the Joint Surnames project. The project does not offer free tests unconditionally at DNA shows.

    Once members meet FTDNA account setup, family tree documentation, and other requirements, they could be eligible for partial Y DNA upgrade scholarships (111 marker and Big Y only), saving potentially 25% or more. Scholarship money is awarded only during FTDNA sales. See the project FAQ page for details at

    The project currently has hundreds of dollars available for scholarships.

    Anyone who is not eligible for the Y DNA project but is interested in project news is welcome to join the external mailing list at

    Hore Hoar, Hoare, Horr, Hord, Hoard, Harr (see our project page for more) Email or for more information. Also see our project website at Registered with GoONS and FTDNA. Generally offer a free FTDNA y12 test if your genealogy places you in an existing branch of interest studied in our project. Sometimes also for geographic areas and family branches we are working to initiate support in, like Southeastern Ireland (County Wexford) and Southwest England (County Devon). Not enough to just have the surname for a free starter test kit. We need some genealogy work back to the 1800's and preferably back to UK / Ireland roots.
    Horgan Horgan, Horrigan, Horegan, Hourigan, Houregan, Howregan, Oregan, O'Horgan, O'Horrigan, Harrigan Susan Barretta, [email protected], Joint DNA Project at FTDNA (including Horgan) Horgan, Horrigan and Harrigan are part of the Joint Surnames project. The project does not offer free tests unconditionally at DNA shows.

    Once members meet FTDNA account setup, family tree documentation, and other requirements, they could be eligible for partial Y DNA upgrade scholarships (111 marker and Big Y only), saving potentially 25% or more. Scholarship money is awarded only during FTDNA sales. See the project FAQ page for details at

    The project currently has hundreds of dollars available for scholarships.

    Anyone who is not eligible for the Y DNA project but is interested in project news is welcome to join the external mailing list at

    Hotchkiss Hod, Hodgcase, Hodgecase, Hodgekiss, Hodges, Hodgkines, Hodgkins, Hodgkis, Hodgkiss, Hodgkisse, Hodgskins, Hodkeys, Hodskis, Hogkis, Hogkiss, Hood, Hoskins, Hotchin, Hotchkees, Hotchkie, Hotchkies, Hotchkis, Hotchkiss, Hotchkisson, Hrod, Huskie, Rodgers, Rogers Steven Perkins, Project Administrator

    [email protected]

    Will sponsor up to three 37-marker Y-DNA tests for Hotchkiss (and/or variants) males who are natives of Ireland or the UK and provide a lineage chart.
    Hourihane Hourihane, Hourihan, Hourahan, Hourahine, O'Hourihane Susan Barretta, [email protected], Joint DNA Project at FTDNA (including Hourihane) Hourihane is part of the Joint Surnames project. The project does not offer free tests unconditionally at DNA shows.

    Once members meet FTDNA account setup, family tree documentation, and other requirements, they could be eligible for partial Y DNA upgrade scholarships (111 marker and Big Y only), saving potentially 25% or more. Scholarship money is awarded only during FTDNA sales. See the project FAQ page for details at

    The project currently has hundreds of dollars available for scholarships.

    Anyone who is not eligible for the Y DNA project but is interested in project news is welcome to join the external mailing list at

    Hudson Hudson, Hutson and similar phonetic spellings. Please send genealogy/pedigree and/or questions to: Project Administrator.

    Our DNA website is Hudson DNA Project.

    The tester, in order to qualify for a free Y-12 DNA test, needs to have at least a direct Paternal European pedigree back to 1800 and earlier if possible, please. ("Direct paternal" means father, grandfather, G grandfather, GG grandfather etc.).
    Huntsman Huntemann, Huntsman, Huntman. Our DNA project web site is at Huntsman Surname DNA Project. For questions about the project or genealogy or pedigree, please contact the project administrator through the web site. A sponsored 67-marker Y-DNA test is available for any male Huntsman (or variant surname). A paternal lineage submission of several generations is required and will be reviewed by the administrator.
    Hurley Hurley, Herlihy Susan Barretta, [email protected], Hurley DNA Project at FTDNA The project does not unconditionally give away free introductory Y DNA tests.

    Once members meet FTDNA account setup, family tree documentation, and other requirements, they could be eligible for partial Y DNA upgrade scholarships (111 marker and Big Y only), saving potentially 25% or more. Scholarship money is awarded only during FTDNA sales. See the project FAQ page for details at

    The project currently has hundreds of dollars available for scholarships.

    Anyone who is not eligible for the Y DNA project but is interested in project news is welcome to join the external mailing list at

    Irwin Erwin, Irvin, Irvine, Irving, Irwin, Urwin Contact information: [email protected] Paternal ancestry back to 1750 or earlier
    Johnston My names is Kathy Johnston, co-administrator for the Southern California Genealogical Society DNA Project. A 12 marker test (one per family) to the first 10 JOHNSONS who can trace their ancestry to Ballymoney or to the immediate surrounding region and to the first 10 males with the Johnston surname from N. Ireland and/or Scotland with preference given to those with Covenanter Presbyterian ancestors during the 18th Century who lived in Ballymoney N. Ireland. I am particularly interested in those who have a reasonable chance of being related to the Archibald Harvey Johnston b. 1765 of Counties Antrim and Down, Northern Ireland (m. Martha Orr) or to his father, Archibald Harvey Johnston from Scotland. Archibald b. 1765 along with other Johnstons went to America in 1821 including John b. 1795 (m. to Martha Gault), Archibald b. 1803, William b. 1809. Their brother, James Johnston was believed to have stayed behind in Ballymoney, County Antrim, N. Ireland during the mid 1800s.
    Keady (Corcu Loígde) Keady, Cady, MacKeady, Meiceidich Susan Barretta, [email protected], Corca Laidhe Regional Y DNA Project at FTDNA The Corca Laidhe regional Y DNA project does not give away free tests unconditionally at DNA shows.

    The Corca Laidhe project is a regional research study, not a relative matching project or a haplogroup project.

    Members meeting project requirements and can demonstrate paternal line ancestry from County Cork could be eligible for $150 towards Big Y. Scholarship money is awarded only during FTDNA sales.

    See the project FAQ for complete details.

    Cady is not a form of Keane, Kearney or Kennedy.

    Keele Keele, Keel Linda Horton

    [email protected]

    Sponsor will attend the WDYTYA conference in Birmingham 6-8 Apr 2017 but offer is not limited to attendees who meet criteria.

    Will sponsor up to two 37-marker Y-DNA tests for Keele/Keel males who are natives of the UK or Ireland and who agree to participate in the Keele/Keel surname project. No two males from the same family please; proper candidate is resident in UK or Ireland

    Subject to approval of test sponsor L. Horton

    Kemp Kemp Contact John Cleary, Project Admin [email protected] Up to 3 Free Y DNA 37 marker test available for any male KEMP who can provide ancestry at least 4-5 generations who is living in Ireland, Scotland, or rest of UK who visits the Family Tree DNA or ISOGG stands during the Who Do You Think You Are? Live Conferences or Ireland’s Back to the Past, and who is not closely related to others who have tested. (i.e, no two males from the same family such as nephew and uncle, etc. Especially looking for Kemp with connections around Co. Cavan and Co. Limerick.
    Kent Robyn Gygi, email: [email protected]

    Learn more at The Kent Family & DNA Project

    Will sponsor up to ten 12-marker Y-DNA tests for Kent males who meet these criteria:
    • Natives of the UK, Australia, New Zealand
    • Provide a lineage chart
    Kenyon Kenyon Richard Kenyon

    [email protected]

    Kenyon Project webpage:

    Up to two YDNA 37-marker tests. Qualified male participants must have been born with the Kenyon surname, be a native of UK, have residence in UK, and supply a pedigree chart of at least three generations for the surname being tested. Pedigree should include names, dates, and locations. They must agree to that their YDNA results be publicly available (although their names will be kept private), and that we be allowed to do further tests (at no cost to them) if we wish.
    Knowles (or Noles) Knowles, Knoles, Nowels, Noles, Noels, etc. Robert B. Noles, Director of the Knowles/Knoles/Noles Family Association. EMAIL: [email protected]

    We are trying to establish the Y-DNA profile for each of the Knowles lines from England, Scotland and Ireland.

    The KKNFA will pay for a 37 marker test via FTDNA for any Knowles (any spelling) who will provide information concerning their Knowles ancestry. A GEDCOM file is best, but any type genealogy report will do. Please provide as much background information (family history) as possible.
    Land None given Contact the administrator of the Land DNA Project for further information. A free 37 marker YDNA test is offered to any LAND who has roots in the British Isles and can provide documentation for at least six generations of the surname. Five free tests are available for unrelated LANDs.
    Laughlin Please contact Project Administrator for questions or further details: Two free Y-DNA-37 marker tests (one per person) are available for any LAUGHLIN male. Our proper candidate is a resident of U.K. This offer is on a first-come first-served basis. No two males from same family please.
    Lawless Lawless, Lollis Contact Lawless DNA Project Administrator, Derrell Oakley Teat:

    [email protected]

    (2) Free Y DNA 37 marker test is available for any male LAWLESS who can provide ancestry at least four to five generations who is living in Scotland, Ireland, UK, or who visits the Family Tree DNA or ISOGG stands during the Who Do You Think You Are? Conferences Live or Ireland’s Back to the Past, and who is not closely related to others who have tested. (i.e, no two males from the same family such as nephew and uncle, etc
    Le Gall LE GAL, LE GALL



    For further information contact the administrator of the Le Gall DNA Project

    Pour plus de détail, veuillez contacter l'administrateur du Projet Le Gall

    Language spoken
    French and english



    A free 12-markers Y-DNA test (to be upgraded if an appropriate match is made) is on offer for any male with documented ancestry (<1800) mentioning one of the below surname. All nationalities are welcome.

    Un test Y-ADN 12 marqueurs (possibilité de tester jusqu'à 37, 67 ou 111 marqueurs s'il y a un match génétique) sera offert pour tous les hommes qui peuvent fournir une documentation inférieur a 1800 prouvant leur ancêtres paternels avec l'un des noms ci-dessous. Toutes les nationalités sont les bienvenues.

    Leahy Lahey, Leahey, Lahy, Lehy, Laehy … or other phonetic [L*h*y] variants as well as Lahiff and Laheen in known lineages. Jim Leahy

    [email protected] Leahy Project Administrator

    FREE 12 or 37 -marker YDNA test to males with the LEAHY (and variants) surname who are natives of Ireland or England, or can provide an Irish patrilineal lineage dating to the 1911 Irish census or earlier and are not closely related to others who have tested.
    Little Little, Lytle, Lyttle, Littel, Liddel Please contact the Project Administrator at No "free" kits are being offered at this time.
    Lloyd Lloyde [email protected] A free 12-market test (to be upgraded if an appropriate match is made) to a Lloyd male with a pedigree extending to 18th century southern Ireland, primarily County Cork but other counties will be considered. Of particular interest are those connected to Richard Lloyd, b. 1699, who was rector at Rathcormack.
    Lockwood Peter Lockwood - Lockwood DNA Project
    FREE 12-marker YDNA test to any males with the LOCKWOOD surname who have a proven family tree and whose direct family line are not represented within the project already. Family Tree required and subject to approval by administrator. The project encourages all participants to test to greater levels i.e 37, 67 & 111 markers.

    WDYTYA 2016 we can offer 6 Free 12 marker tests.

    We can also offer to pay 50% towards the cost of a 37 marker YDNA if purchased via Peter Lockwood through the Guild of One-Name Studies.

    Lurz LURZ, LURTZ (Similar sounding surnames can can be discussed on request). Contact [email protected] Thomas Krahn. Send an email to [email protected] I offer a free 67 marker Y-STR test and if applicable some of my private SNP markers (L526, L1406, L1408). Testing will be done at the YSEQ laboratory.
    Lyon(s) LIONS, LYON, LYONS, LYANS, LYENS, LIGON Katherine Borges, LYON(S) DNA Project Administrator

    FREE 12-marker YDNA test to any males with the LYON(S) (and variants) surname who are natives of Europe.* (American military base births excluded)
    • Lineage submission required and subject to approval by administrator
    MacFarlane MacFarlane, Macfarlane, MacFarland, MacFarlan, MacFarlin, McFarlane, McFarland, McFarlan, McFarlin, MacPharlane, MacPharland, MacPharlan, MacPharlin, McPharlane, McPharland, McPharlan, McPharlin, etc. project admin: Chevalier Terrance Gach MacFarlane; e-mail: [email protected]; project link: "" Candidate for a free 12 marker yDNA test at FamilyTreeDNA must be a man bearing the MacFarlane (or variant) surname who was born in the United Kingdom and who can provide a tree of his paternal line back to a date before the 1911 Census.
    Machula Machula, Mačiulaitis, Mačiulatis, Mačula, Mačulatis, Maczula, Maczuleit, Maczullatis, Matchula, Matschula, Matschulat, Matschulatis, Matschulet, Matschullat, Мачула Contact the Machula DNA Project for further details. Free 37-marker Y-DNA test for any variant of the Machula surname.
    Markham Markham, Meacham, Mecham Contact Robyn Gygi at [email protected]

    Learn more at the Marcum/Markham DNA Project website.

    Will sponsor up to ten 12-marker Y-DNA tests for Markham males who meet these criteria:
    • Natives of the UK, Australia, or New Zealand
    • Have male ancestry in the UK
    • Provide a lineage chart
    Maynard Maynor, Mayner, Mainard, Menard, Manard Contact [email protected] or telephone 410-983-1014 for further details. 37-marker Y-DNA tests at FTDNA are now available for up to ten Maynard men who have documented Maynard roots in England before 1800. Participants will never be asked for money or for personal details about the living, other than the basic contact information about the Y-DNA donor, which is requested by FTDNA (e.g., full name, email address, and postal address for sending the kit). However, potential participants will be asked to provide their paper trail from their father (if dead) and grandfather, going back about six generations in British Isles or Ireland. This offer is not valid if this Maynard line has already been tested for Y-DNA.
    McAnally McAnally, McAnelly, McAnnally, McEnelly, McNally, McNelly The McAnally Surname Project Administrator, Linda Magellan FREE 12-marker YDNA test to any males with the McAnally (and variants) surname who are natives of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Norway.* (American military base births excluded)

    Lineage submission required and subject to approval by administrator.

    McCallum/MacCallum/McCollum MacCallum, McCallum, McCollum, McCullum, Malcolm MacCallum/Malcolm DNA Study Sponsored Y-chromosome DNA tests for any MacCallum, McCallum, McCollum, McCullum, Malcolm residing in Ireland, or the United Kingdom.
    McCann McCann For additional information and to set up kit delivery, please contact Lisa (eMail [email protected]). Thank you. A free Y DNA test is being offered for a male McCann surnamed descendant of Peter McCann who was born about 1755 in NC and died in 1833 in Wayne County, MS.
    McCombs/McComb McCombs, McComb Please contact project administrators for more information. ( Free Tests: Up to three (3) free tests are available for males with the surname McComb or McCombs attending any conference in the UK or Ireland where FTDNA and/or ISOGG are represented and offering tests.

    The McCombs-McComb Y-DNA Surname Project is interested in recruiting men outside of North America to participate in Y-DNA testing at any time. A free Y-DNA 37 test will be offered to a male representative of any McCombs or McComb family's direct male line residing in the UK or Ireland. In the case of participants in haplogroup R1b-M222, where a Y67 test is required to distinguish between two groups, the cost of the upgrade will be covered by project administrators as funds are available and with the permission of the participant.

    Assistance in purchasing kits may also be available for well-documented American McComb(s) lines that are not currently represented in the project. Contact Sharon McCombs Fontenot [email protected] for information.

    McConaghy McConaghy, McConnochie, McConachie, McConechy, McConnaughey, McConnaughay, McConkey plus many more variant spellings Tim Duncan

    Administrator: Donnachaidh DNA Project Website: Email: [email protected]

    We offer a free 37 marker Y-DNA test kits to McConaghy men, and the many variant surnames, that have a documented family history at least to a ggrandfather and a documented connection to Scotland and/or Ireland. All others please contact project administrators. Visit our project website at for much information about our research. A participant needs to be willing to share their male line ancestry, help in test upgrade costs, and assist in further genealogy research.

    This offer is offered on a first come bases and is limited to 4 test kits. This 37 marker test is a basic Y-DNA test and will need to be upgraded to obtain much better resolution for matching. A participant receiving a free test needs to be willing to help pay some of the upgrade costs as the DNA project will consider also contributing more funds to an upgrade.

    Persons with any questions please contact Tim Duncan at [email protected].

    McCool McCool For additional information and to set up kit delivery, please contact Lisa (eMail [email protected]).

    Thank you.

    A free Y DNA test is being offered for a male McCool descendant of Benjamin C. McCool born c1809 in SC, son of James McCool who died c1837in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama.
    McElrea McElrea, McIlrea, McElray, McIlray Participants with any questions please contact Kathleen Cooper at [email protected]


    We offer a free 12 marker Y-DNA test kit to McElrea men, and variant surnames, that have a documented family history at least to a ggrandfather. All others please contact project administrators. Visit our project website at for information about our research. A participant needs to be willing to share their male line ancestry and assist in further genealogy research.

    This 12 marker test is a very basic Y-DNA test and will need to be upgraded to obtain much better resolution for matching.

    McKinney McKinney, McKiney, McKiny, McKenney, McKeney, McKeny, MacKinney, etc. Contact: Jody Thomson, DNA Project Administrator

    For more information please visit McKinney DNA Project web page

    Will sponsor up to five 12-marker yDNA tests for any males with the McKinney (and variants) surname who meet these criteria:

    · Are natives of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland or Northern Ireland. (American military base births excluded). · Have documented ancestry (McKinney lineage) prior to 1850.

    Meacham Markham, Meacham, Mecham Contact Robyn Gygi at [email protected]

    Learn more at the Marcum/Markham DNA Project website.

    Will sponsor up to ten 12-marker Y-DNA tests for Meacham males who meet these criteria:
    • Natives of the UK, Australia, or New Zealand
    • Have male ancestry in the UK
    • Provide a lineage chart
    Meagher / Maher Meagher, Magher, Maher, Mahar, Marr Contact Erik Maher at the [Meagher, Magher, Maher, Mahar, Marr Surname Project,] Free 67-marker DNA test for any male with surname Meagher, Magher, Maher, Mahar, or Marr with documented ancestry prior to 1900, and not closely related to anyone already tested. Particular interest in lineages that immigrated to Australia or New Zealand prior to 1930, or that trace to Cos. Galway, Clare, Limerick, Kerry, or Cork, with no known connection to Co. Tipperary.
    Meates Mat, Mate, Mates, Matt, Matte, Mattes, Matts, Mayet, Mayette, Mayot, Mayote, Mayott, Mayotte, Mayte, Maytes, Meat, Meate, Meates, Meats, Meatte, Meyett, Meyette, Miot, Miott, Miotte, Myat, Myatt, Myott For more information please visit:

    or contact the Administrator Susan Meates at [email protected]

    A free 37-marker Y-DNA test is on offer for any male with documented ancestry whose tree does not yet have 2 participants
    Megaw/McGaw Megaw, McGaw, MacCaw, MacGaw, McCaw, McGah Contact the project administrator listed at FREE 12-marker YDNA test to any males with the Megaw (and variants) surname who are natives of Ireland, Northern Ireland, or Scotland.* (American military base births excluded). Tester must be willing to both participate in the Megaw/McGaw Y-DNA Project and provide details for at least three generations of his paternal Megaw/McGaw ancestry
    Mercer Mercer, Merser Roberta Estes [email protected] FREE 12-marker YDNA test to any males with the MERCER or MERSER surname who are natives of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, or Northern Ireland* (American military base births excluded)

    Lineage submission required and subject to approval by administrator

    Milligan/Milliken Milligan, Milliken, Millican; vowel substitutions within an M-l-c/g/k-n framework accepted, as well as a preceding A or O contact: Susan Milligan [email protected]

    project website:

    Free 37 marker Y-DNA test for up to six Milligan or Milliken males residing in Scotland, England, Ireland, Northern Ireland with at least a 3 generation pedigree.
    Monaghan/Monahan Monahan (with any combination of vowels), Monaghan (with any combination of vowels), Managan (with any combination of vowels) Please contact Lauren Ciarochi at [email protected] Free Y-DNA 37 marker test for any male with the surname Monaghan (or any variant listed below) who presently lives in Ireland or Northern Ireland. Additionally, he must provide a minimum of a three generation paternal pedigree but more is preferable.
    Montgomery Montgomerie email Terri Stern: mygenealogytutor AT Up to 5 (five) FREE 37-marker YDNA tests to any males with the MONTGOMERY (and variants) surname who have a proven family tree of at least 3 generations, rooted in Ireland or Scotland, and whose direct family line is not represented within the project already. Family Tree required and subject to approval by administrator (who will be present at GGI2020 Belfast).
    Morrissey Morrisey, Morrissey, Morrissy, Morrisy For further details please contact project co-administrator, John Melia

    [email protected]

    Project website

    Moulthrop Moulthrop, Mowthorpe, Mowthrop, Mowlthrop Steven Perkins, Project Administrator

    [email protected]

    Will sponsor up to three 37-marker Y-DNA tests for Moulthrop (and/or variants) males who are natives of Ireland or the UK and provide a lineage chart.
    Mugford Mogford, Mudford, Mufford, Mugford, Mutford. Our DNA project website is at Mugford Surname DNA Project. For questions about the project, or genealogy or pedigree, please contact Martin Potter, the project administrator, through the web site. A sponsored 67-marker Y-DNA test is available for any male MUGFORD (or variant surname). A paternal lineage submission of several generations is required and will be reviewed by the administrator.
    Mulvihill Mulvihill, Mulville, some Mitchells and Melvilles after review of family history; Brennans with a family history from Co. Roscommon or vicinity. James Mulvihill, jmulvihill at

    All DNA data contributes to building a history of the Clan as well as enabling individuals to expand their knowledge of their family history.

    For males in a direct Mulvihill line, we will sponsor, fully or partially, Y-DNA testing at the 37-marker level at FTDNA.

    For all Mulvihills, we will sponsor, fully or partially, atDNA testing at

    Murrihy (Corcu Loígde) Murrihy, Murihy, O'Muireadhaigh, might be simplified to Murray Susan Barretta, [email protected], Corca Laidhe Regional Y DNA Project at FTDNA The Corca Laidhe regional Y DNA project does not give away free tests unconditionally at DNA shows.

    The Corca Laidhe project is a regional research study, not a relative matching project or a haplogroup project.

    Members meeting project requirements and can demonstrate paternal line ancestry from County Cork could be eligible for $150 towards Big Y. Scholarship money is awarded only during FTDNA sales.

    See the project FAQ for complete details.

    Murrihy/Murray is not a form of Murphy, Muire, Morrow, or Murrogh.

    Murtishaw/Mottershaw Mottershaw, Murtishaw, Moddershaw, Mottershead, Mothershead Please contact the project administator at A free 37-marker Y-DNA test is on offer for any male with documented ancestry from the British Isles with the surname Mottershaw, Murtishaw or variants
    Musgrove Musgrave, Musgraves, de Musgrave Co-Administrators Revis Leonard ([email protected]) or Andrea Musgrove Perisho ([email protected]) or Musgrove/Musgrave/Musgraves Project at Requirements: FREE 12 marker YDNA test to any males with the MUSGROVE (and variants) surname who are natives of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland and Northern Ireland. Lineage submission required and subject to approval by administrator. Based on pedigree, the group administrator may opt to offer 37 markers. Participants are encouraged to upgrade to 37, 67 or 111 markers.
    Nance Nance, Nantz, Nantze, Nants FTDNA Nance group page:

    Nance DNA project on World Families: Chris Nance [email protected] or call/text 405-370-4549 Sonia Nance [email protected] NANCE Facebook Page

    The requirements are that you must be at least a Nance male, or a variation like Nantz, Nantze, or Nants. Also, you must be a 3rd cousin or greater of a male who has already tested, or your line is unknown. Please contact us by email below for more information.
    Neil/Neal/Neale The Admin directly if you have questions: Gail Riddell [email protected] Males with the surname to the left AND who have a pedigree of at least 4 generations AND who reside in the UK are invited to take a free Y-37 DNA test.
    Niedzialkowski Niedzialkowski, Niedziałkowski, Niedzialkoski, Niedzialkowsky, Niedzialkosky, Niedzial For further information, contact the administrator of the Niedzialkowski surname project. The NIEDZIALKOWSKI DNA Project is offering a free 37-marker Y-DNA test to men with the surname NIEDZIALKOWSKI or variant.
    Nolan (Corcu Loígde) Nolan, Noland, Nowlan, O'Nuallain Susan Barretta, [email protected], Corca Laidhe Regional Y DNA Project at FTDNA The Corca Laidhe regional Y DNA project does not give away free tests unconditionally at DNA shows.

    The Corca Laidhe project is a regional research study, not a relative matching project or a haplogroup project.

    Members meeting project requirements and can demonstrate paternal line ancestry from County Cork could be eligible for $150 towards Big Y. Scholarship money is awarded only during FTDNA sales.

    See the project FAQ for complete details.

    Northridge Nortridge [email protected]

    Male with Northridge surname who has documented early ancestry in England
    O'Toole O'Toole Rob Warthen at Rob.Warthen @ for more information. YDNA 37 test for any O'Toole from the Glendalough area of County Wicklow Ireland or who can trace their ancestry back to this area
    Owings/Owens Linda Horton, [email protected] Will sponsor up to three 37-marker YDNA tests for Owings/Owens males who are resident in the UK or Ireland (US military base births or residents excluded). No two closely related males in the same family, please.
    Owston/Ouston Owston, Ouston, Owston-Doyle Contact the project administrator at [email protected] and include "DNA Project" in the subject line of your message. The Owston/Ouston One-Name Study will offer a free 12-Marker Y-DNA kit to any Owston or Ouston male. In the event that the testee has a matching I1 haplotype at 12 markers, the results will be extended to a minimum of 37 markers.

    No more than three free tests will be available at any one time.

    Page Paige For further details e-mail Robert Page at <[email protected]</email>. Up to SIX free 12-marker Y-DNA tests are on offer for any males named PAGE/Paige who can also contribute at least a three or four generation chart of their family history. This PAGE line comes from a large PAGE family in Suffolk, England that began in the 1300's in the area around Bury St. Edmunds and seemed to center around a small village, Walsham le Willows, and in the 1600's emigrated to the American colony of Virginia. One branch of this PAGE family moved to Norfolk and later emigrated to the American colonies.
    Park/e/s Park, Parks, Parke, Parkes, Pershouse For further details please contact Ken Parks the Project Administrator at [email protected]

    A free Y-DNA37 marker test is available for any male Park/Parks/Parke/Parkes/Pershouse who can provide ancestry at least four to five generations who is living in Scotland, Ireland, UK, or who visits the Family Tree DNA or ISOGG stands during the Who Do You Think You Are? Conferences Live or Ireland’s Back to the Past, and who is not closely related to others who have tested (i.e., no two males from the same family such as nephew and uncle, etc.)
    Parker, John Parker For additional information and to set up kit delivery, please contact Lisa (eMail [email protected]). Thank you. A free Y DNA test is being offered for a male Parker surnamed descendant of John Parker born about 1773 in Scotland and died 1843 Union Parish, Louisiana, USA. An early resident of Natchez, MS, he appears in Adams County, MS records through 1818. By 1820 he has relocated to Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
    Parker, Timothy Parker For further details please contact Linda Magellan, descendent of Timothy W. Parker. FREE 12-marker YDNA test to any male descendent of TIMOTHY W. PARKER and ANN UNKNOWN who is a native of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, or Norway.* (American military base births excluded)

    PLEASE NOTE: Lineage submission required and subject to approval by administrator.

    Must be a male descendent of: Timothy W. Parker, b 1780, England, married to: Ann UNKNOWN

    Known children of Timothy and Ann Parker:
    Columbus Parker, b about 1800
    Jefferson Parker, b about 1805
    Frank Parker, b about 1810
    Julia Parker, b 1811
    Louisianna, b 1812
    Olivia Parker, b 1816
    Fanny Parker, b 1823
    Williard Parker, b 1833
    DeWitt Clinton Parker, b 1834

    Parrish Parrish or Parish Contact: Stephen Parrish [email protected]


    One free 37-marker test for a Parrish or Parish male who must be a native of UK, have male ancestry in UK, and provide a 3 (or more) generation lineage including dates and locations.
    Parry Parry, Parrey For further details, please contact Barbara Griffiths, the administrator of the Parry DNA project The PARRY surname project will provide one free 37 marker Y-DNA test for any male PARRY in the UK, with documented ancestry on the direct line back to at least 1900, and whose line is not already represented in the project.

    One free 37 marker Y-DNA test is also available for any male PARRY whose documented ancestry is traced back to the counties of Herefordshire, Breconshire or Monmouthshire specifically.

    This offer is currently limited to two tests in total.

    Pask Parsk, Pasch, Paske, Pasque For further details contact the Project Administrator at A free Y-DNA-37 marker test is available for any PASK (or variant) with proven ancestry for at least 5 generations and who are not closely related to anyone already in the project.
    Perkins Perkins, Parkins, Perkin, Parkin, and similar spellings Contact Eugene Perkins at [email protected]

    Learn more at the Parkins and Perkins DNA Study website.

    Will sponsor up to ten 12-marker Y-DNA tests for Perkins males who meet these criteria:
    1. Natives of the UK
    2. Have male ancestry in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, or Gloucestershire
    3. Provide a lineage chart
    Perry Perry, Pereira, Perri, Perrie, Pery, Pirry, Poire, Poirier, Pyrry, Perie Please contact the administrator of the Perry Surname DNA project FREE 37-marker YDNA test to a male with the PERRY (and variants) surname who are natives of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Norway.* (American military base births excluded)

    PLEASE NOTE: Lineage submission required and subject to approval by administrator

    Picton Picton For further information contact . For information on the Picton project see the Picton DNA project website A free 37-marker Y-DNA test is offered to males with the surname Picton. The project may consider more funding, depending on the willingness of the person being tested to exchange information on their family history and take an active part in research.
    Pike Pike, Pyke, McPike, McPyke, Pikes, Pykes Contact the administrators of the Pike DNA Project for further information. The PIKE DNA Project has a sponsorship fund from which people with known UK roots who don't appear to connect to those already represented in their project can receive sponsorships. Full details are on the project website, but when funds permit they will provide up to US $75 of support.
    Pittman Pitman, Pittman, Pitmon, Pittmon Contact Project Administrators listed at FREE 37-marker YDNA test to a male with the PITMAN (and variants) surname who is a native of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland. (American military base births excluded)

    PLEASE NOTE: Lineage submission required and subject to approval by administrator prior to testing.

    Any person who appears to meet the qualifications should apply directly to the Project through Join Request for the kit. Tester should explain that he was recruited at the WDYTYA conference. Prepaid kit will then be mailed to the successful UK candidate, who must return it to FTDNA.

    Pitts Pitts, Pitt, Pits, Pittes and Pytts Contact an administrator or co-administrator of the Pitts DNA Project for further information at The PITTS DNA Project is offering a free 37-marker Y-DNA test to male PITTS (or name variants) living in the UK or Ireland who can provide a suitable pedigree.
    Plant Peg A. Ivanyo, [email protected] A free 37-marker test is available for any Plant who can prove or provide sufficient information to assist us in proving lineage back to Cadeby, Desford, or Market Bosworth in Leicestershire, England. May also consider nearby parishes depending on lineage information. This is in connection to a research project tracing the descendants of a John Plant, born about 1780 in Market Bosworth, who settled in Cadeby. Since this Plant is the end of line, additional information to reconstruct the family further is desired. Limit two tests available at this time; individuals must not be closely related. Consideration will be given to additional requests based on lineage and relationship to existing contributors.
    Pratt Contact Robyn Gygi at [email protected]

    Learn more at the Pratt DNA Project website.

    Will sponsor up to ten 12-marker Y-DNA tests for Pratt males who meet these criteria:
    1. Natives of the UK, Australia, or New Zealand
    2. Have male ancestry in the UK
    3. Provide a lineage chart
    Proctor Proctor, Procter, or any similar variant For further information, please contact the administrator, CeCe Moore, of the Proctor DNA Project A free 12 marker Y-DNA test will be offered to any males carrying the PROCTOR (or variants) surname with documented British Isles ancestry (excluding New England Colonials). This offer is limited to the maximum of two tests and is made on a first-come-first-served basis.
    Pry Prye Prey Pry Prye Prey O'Prey Joanne Pry Howard. [email protected]

    Free Y-DNA 37 Marker test to any Pry, Prye, Prey, O'Prey male in the UK or Ireland and will provide at least a 4 generation paternal line of his Pry, Prye, Prey r O'Prey or variant family

    Free Y-DNA 37 marker test to any Pry, Prye, Prey or O'Prey (or variant) male in the UK or Ireland and will provide at least a 4 generation paternal line if his Pry, Prye, Prey or O'Prey family.

    I will sponsor a 37 marker Y test for the surname PREY/O'PREY or variant spelling with a 3 generation pedigree chart during the Back to Our Past in Belfast in February in 2018.

    Purdy PURDY, PURDIE Please contact the Project administrator, Karin Corbeil, of the Purdy DNA Project. A free 37 marker Y-DNA test is available for any PURDY or PURDIE from England, Ireland, Scotland, British Isles, or the United States. Free upgrades to Y-67 and/or Y-111 may also be available on an individual case review.
    Ralston Ralston, Roulston, Rolston, Raulston, Raulsten, Rawlston, Rolleston, Rollestone, Roulstone, etc. For further information contact Ed Ralston from the Ralston Project DNA website. The Ralston Project has a limited number of Y-37 DNA test kits that will be given away free. To qualify a person must meet the following criteria:
    • A male whose paternal line traces back unbroken to a “Ralston” or variant (or have reason to believe the line traces back to a “Ralston”), and
    • Is of an unknown Ralston line (i.e., not a known relative of an existing project member.
    Rathbone Rathbone, Rathbourn, Rathborn, Rathbon, Rathburn or other variants Please contact the Project Administrator, Roger Rayborn at One free 37-marker Y-DNA test is on offer for any male with the surname Rathbone or variants who can provide proven ancestry for at least 4 generations of West Midlands, Staffs, Shropshire, Merseyside, Manchester, Cheshire or Lancashire roots. Known ancestry must date prior to 1900
    Rayburn Rayburn, Raeburn, Raburn, Rayborn, Reyburn, Raybourn and all similar variations For further details contact the Project Administrator, Roger Rayborn at . One free 37-marker Y-DNA test is on offer for any male with the surname Rayburn or variants who can provide proven ancestry for at least 4 generations of UK or Irish roots. Known ancestry must date prior to 1900.
    Rea-Ray-Wray ==Contact==Contact Joseph C. Rhea, Administrator, by sending an email to [email protected]
    Reams/Reames Reams, Reames, [email protected] Free initial 12-marker Y-DNA test for Males with documented ancestry of several generations of the Reams/Reames surnames in UK and Western Europe areas (On a case-by-case basis).
    Reaney Flanagan For further details contact the Project Administrator at to discuss eligibility and make arrangements for delivery of the DNA test kit. A free Y-DNA-37 marker test is available for any REANEY (or variant) or FLANAGAN who can provide proven ancestry for at least 5 generations or prior to 1850, who lives in the UK or Ireland, and who is not closely related to anyone already in the project. This offer is on a first-come first-served basis. We are looking for county Mayo descendants specifically in the area of Killernan, Ardkill, Hollymount and Claremorris.
    Redmond Redman, Redmon, Remaine, Redmayne Contact Project Administrator for further details: FREE Y-37 DNA tests may be made available to males carrying the Redmond surname (Redman, Redmon, Redmaine, Redmayne) and have an earliest male Redman (or variation) ancestor from the British Isles and who are willing to join the project, agree to a consent form for research purposes, and participate in the testing. The Redmond Project must be contacted and in agreement prior to any ordering taking place.
    Reid Reid Tim Duncan

    Administrator: Donnachaidh DNA Project Website: Email: [email protected]

    We offer a free 12 marker Y-DNA test kits to Reid men, and variant surnames, that have a documented family history at least to a gggrandfather and a documented connection to Scotland. All others please contact project administrators. Visit our project website at for much information about our research. A participant needs to be willing to share their male line ancestry, help in test upgrade costs, and assist in further genealogy research.

    This offer is offered on a first come bases and is limited to 2 test kits. This 12 marker test is a very basic Y-DNA test and will need to be upgraded to obtain much better resolution for matching. A participant receiving a free test needs to be willing to help pay some of the upgrade costs as the DNA project will consider also contributing more funds to an upgrade.

    Participants with any questions please contact Tim Duncan at [email protected]

    Reynolds Reynolds, Runnols Nancy Wallander [email protected] Will sponsor up to five 37-marker Y-DNA tests for Reynolds/Runnols males who are natives of the UK, Ireland or are of French origin on the male Y-chromosome and provide a lineage chart.
    Richards Richards, Rickards, Rickarts Richard Hill, Project Administrator We will pay for up to three Y-DNA37 Tests for persons who can provide direct paternal ancestry for the Richards surname back to the 1700s and are living in the UK or Ireland. You must not be closely related to others who have tested. (i.e, no two males from the same family such as nephew and uncle, etc.).
    Richmond Richman Linda Horton, [email protected] Will sponsor up to three 37-marker YDNA tests for males with the surname Richmond or Richman who are resident in the UK or Ireland (US military base births or residents excluded). No two closely related males in the same family, please.
    Ricketts Rackett, Ragget, Raggett, Reckart, Reckitt, Rickart, Rickat, Ricket, Rickets, Rickett, Ricketts, Rickit, Rickitt, Rocket, Rockett, Wreckitt, Wreggitt For further information contact the administrator of the Ricketts DNA project Susan Meates at

    or visit our website:

    or subscribe to our FREE annual newsletter:

    or visit the Surname Study website:

    A free 37-marker Y-DNA test is available for any male with one of the surnames listed who visits an ISOGG booth at any show.

    For those contacting the project directly, paid Y-DNA 37 marker tests are available if 2 males have not yet participated for your tree.

    Our project is a tremendous opportunity for you to make discoveries about your family tree, your surname, and your distant origin.

    The Ricketts Family History Project collaborates with the Ricketts surname study, which is registered with the Guild of One-Name Studies, London, England.

    Riddle/Riddell/Ruddell Gail Riddell, Administrator

    [email protected]

    Free Y-DNA tests to Y-37 are available for any male with this surname if he is resident in the UK.

    Although the Riddle/Riddell/Ruddle Project is essentially a Surname Y-DNA project, it is both global and welcoming of any man with Y-DNA matches to those in the project, or bearing such a surname. It is only by comparison that we will learn from these connections.

    Then, of course comes the task of connection between the DNA matches with those records and paper trails uncovered by our genealogical and Family History research. After all, it is wonderful to find closely matching DNA (whether via Y-STRs or via Autosomal DNA - Family Finder), but it is another thing to actually put a name to that common ancestor.

    Any questions whatsoever should come to me (Gail) directly at [email protected]

    Roach Roach, Roache, Roch, Roche Robyn Gygi, email: [email protected]

    Learn more at Roach, Roche, Roch Project

    Will sponsor up to ten 12-marker Y-DNA tests for Roach males who meet these criteria:
    • Natives of the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand
    • Have male ancestry in UK
    • Provide a lineage chart
    Robertson Robertson Tim Duncan

    Administrator: Donnachaidh DNA Project Website: Email: [email protected]

    We offer a free 12 marker Y-DNA test kits to Robertson men, and variant surnames, that have a documented family history at least to a gggrandfather and a documented connection to Perthshire, Scotland. All others please contact project administrators. Visit our project website at for much information about our research. A participant needs to be willing to share their male line ancestry, help in test upgrade costs, and assist in further genealogy research.

    This offer is offered on a first come bases and is limited to 2 test kits. This 12 marker test is a very basic Y-DNA test and will need to be upgraded to obtain much better resolution for matching. A participant receiving a free test needs to be willing to help pay some of the upgrade costs as the DNA project will consider also contributing more funds to an upgrade.

    Participants with any questions please contact Tim Duncan at [email protected]

    Roetter Roetter or Rötter Contact: Jim Rader [email protected]


    One free 37-Y marker test for a Roetter or Rötter male who must be a native of Europe, have male ancestry in Europe, and provide a 3 (or more) generation lineage including dates and locations.
    Rose Y-DNA Q group For details contact Rebekah Canada: The project is offering a 12-marker Y-DNA test to men born in the UK who know location details for their direct male line back to at least 1901.
    Rowe None given Contact the administrator of the Rowe DNA Project for further information. Any ROWE with documented links to the south west Devon farming areas in particular may be eligible for a subsidy to get up to 67 markers tested should they belong to a line without a confirmed DNA signature. Important Note: This offer is not available for Who Do You Think You Are? Live.
    Rucker Ruckers, Ruecker, Rueckers, Ruckert, Rueckert, Rueckhardt, Ruckhardt, Rueckhart, Ruckhart, or Roquer (or other French derivatives) Please contact Alice Rucker, Administrator of the RUCKER Surname Project at [email protected] The RUCKER Surname Y-DNA Project is willing to supply a free Y-DNA 37 marker test to qualified males who have biological RUCKER or similar surname ancestry in England or Continental Europe with genealogy into or earlier than the 1700s. We are trying to connect American Colonial immigrant Peter RUCKER (lacking paper trail) to homeland. If a suitable Y-DNA 37 marker match is determined, the participant would be expected to work with the project jointly by sharing paper trail and perhaps further testing.
    Runfeldt Runfelt, Runnfelt Göran Runfeldt [email protected] Free Y-DNA test for any male with this surname or variant thereof
    Russell Russell For more information, please contact an administrator of the RUSSELL DNA Project Sponsored y-DNA tests, including membership in the RUSSELL Project, are available for descendants of various RUSSELL ancestors of interest. Please see the Russell DNA Project website for details. Sponsorship tests are on a first-come, first-served basis and are subject to administrator approval. Must provide ancestry through your RUSSELL great grandfather. Must be willing to share RUSSELL ancestry and results with DNA matches. Limit one per family please. To apply or for questions, please contact an administrator listed on the RUSSELL Project website.
    Scaife Scaife,Scafe,Skaife Contact administrator of Scaife Study Group via [email protected] 37+ marker tests sponsored from time to time (via YSEQ) and as funds allow. We are currently looking for a male Scaife descendant of

    the Scaifes of Pocklington, ERY, UK with a well documented lineage. See more about the Scaife DNA Project at All enquiries welcome.

    Scott Any questions whatsoever should come to me (Gail) directly at [email protected]

    Any male with this surname and who is resident in the UK will receive a free Y-37 DNA test.

    Although the Scott Project is essentially a Surname Y-DNA project, it is both global and welcoming of any man with Y-DNA matches to those in the project, or bearing such a surname. It is only by comparison that we will learn from these connections.

    Then, of course comes the task of connection between the DNA matches with those records and paper trails uncovered by our genealogical and Family History research. After all, it is wonderful to find closely matching DNA (whether via Y-STRs or via Autosomal DNA - Family Finder), but it is another thing to actually put a name to that common ancestor.

    Sennett/Sinnott/Synnott Sennett, Sinnott, Synnott (or variants in the form S-NN-T) Corinne Curtis at One free Y-DNA37 test is offered to a UK resident with Welsh Sinnett ancestry, and at least a four generation proven line back to Pembrokeshire. A discounted Y-DNA37 test (£20 subsidy) or a free 12 marker introductory test is also offered to up to three people of Sennett or Sinnott County Wicklow ancestry living in the UK and from lines that haven't already been tested. For further details see the Sennett Profile Page on the Guild of One-Name Studies website and the Sennett DNA Project at Family Tree DNA.
    Shaddock Shaddocks, Shaddicks, Shattocks, Shattucks, Shadducks Please write Philip Shaddock on the contact page at the project website: The primary focus of the research project is to re-unite Shaddocks, Shaddicks, Shattocks and Shattucks using advanced DNA testing. We offer free testing to selected males with this surname variant who belong to family branches that have not already been tested. See To determine your eligibility please contact Philip Shaddock .
    Sheily (Corcu Loígde) Sheily, Shiely, Sheely, Shealy, O'Sealbhaigh Susan Barretta, [email protected], Corca Laidhe Regional Y DNA Project at FTDNA The Corca Laidhe regional Y DNA project does not give away free tests unconditionally at DNA shows.

    The Corca Laidhe project is a regional research study, not a relative matching project or a haplogroup project.

    Members meeting project requirements and can demonstrate paternal line ancestry from County Cork could be eligible for $150 towards Big Y. Scholarship money is awarded only during FTDNA sales.

    See the project FAQ for complete details.

    This is NOT the same name as Shelly, Sheehy, Sheedy, Shea, or Seely or Sealy (the latter two are names from the upper classes in Cork) - though genealogical records might interchange these names.

    Sheldon SHELDON, SHELDEN Please contact the SHELDON DNA project at or directly to Kelly Wheaton [email protected] FREE 12 marker Y DNA Kit (or equivalent value towards a 37 marker kit) to SHELDON surnamed males with recent documented English ancestry.

    We currently have identified 4 SHELDON DNA lines. We have attached SHELDONS in England to each other and to descendants across the globe. We are keen to connect a large group of descendants in America, Canada, and Australia to their namesakes in England.

    Siskron Burton, Devlin, Hatcher, Kernohan, McConnell, Posey, Stanfield, Siskron Contact Elizabeth Siskron at [email protected] (that is an L not a one) Will pay for one test fully. Additional tests up to 3 we would pay for half the cost. Must have at least a 4 generation genealogy. Must not be brothers or closely related.
    Slaughter Slaughter Contact Slaughter DNA Project Administrator: [email protected]

    Slaughter Surname DNA Project

    The Slaughter project will pay for two 37 marker Y-DNA tests for a male Slaughter descendant who can provide proven ancestry for at least 4 generations or prior to 1850, who lives in the UK or Ireland and who is not closely related to others who have tested during the gathering. (i.e, no two males from the same family such as nephew and uncle, etc.)
    Smothers Tribe Smither/s, Smithey, Smetters, Schmetters, Smathers, Smeathers We would pay for two 37 Y-DNA for someone who can provide proven ancestry for at least 5 generations or prior to 1850, who lives in the UK or shows German ancestry of the surname and who is not closely related to others who have tested during the gathering. (i.e, no two males from the same family such as nephew and uncle, etc.)
    South Asian Genome Project (SAGE) SAGE James Watson, [email protected], check your eligibility here:

    Requirements: to be of South Asian origin, to have DNA raw data from 23andMe, Ancestry DNA, Family Tree DNA, My Heritage DNA or Living DNA.

    The South Asian Genome Project
    Spearman SPEARMAN Contact Derrell Oakley Teat, project admin

    [email protected]

    (2) Free Y DNA 37 marker test is available for any male SPEARMAN who can provide ancestry at least four to five generations who is living in Scotland, Ireland, UK, or who visits the Family Tree DNA or ISOGG stands during the Who Do You Think You Are? Conferences Live or Ireland’s Back to the Past, and who is not closely related to others who have tested. (i.e, no two males from the same family such as nephew and uncle, etc
    Spiering Spiering, Spierings, Spierink, Spierinck Please contact Maurice Gleeson, Administrator of the Spearin Surname Project at ( A free Y-DNA-37 marker test to any Spiering or similar variation with a documented family tree and direct male line that goes back to before 1800 in continental Europe (esp. Germany, Netherlands, Belgium).
    Springfield Springfield Contact Derrell Oakley Teat, Project Admin. [email protected] Will sponsor two (2) 37-marker Y-DNA tests with 3-4 generations lineage chart provided for a native of the United Kingdom.
    Sprowl Sprowl, Sprole, Sproule, Sprowll, Spruil, Spruill, or other spelling variations Linda Horton

    [email protected] Sponsor will attend the WDYTYA conference in Birmingham 6-8 Apr 2017 but offer is not limited to attendees who meet criteria.

    Will sponsor up to three 37-marker Y-DNA tests for Sprowl males who are natives of the UK or Ireland and who agree to participate in the Bryan surname project. No two males from the same family please; proper candidate is resident in UK or Ireland.

    Subject to approval of test sponsor L. Horton

    Spurlock/Spirlock Spurlock, Spirlock My name is Mary Fern Souder and you may reach me at [email protected].

    The Spurlock Y-chromosome Study would like to extend our lineage back to the UK or Continental Europe. Spurlocks are first found in Virginia, USA, in 1709.

    I am offering two free 37-marker Y-chromosome tests to any Spurlock/Spirlock men who live in the UK or Continental Europe, and prefer that they can provide a European pedigree to 1800.
    Sterry Sterry,


    For further details contact the Project Administrator at to discuss eligibility and make arrangements for delivery of the DNA test kit.

    A free Y-DNA-37 marker test is available for any male STERRY (or variant) whose line has less than 2 people tested. Lineage submission required and subject to approval by administrators.
    Stiles Stiles, Styles Contact Phill Stiles at the Stiles Surname project at [email protected] . The Stiles Family of America and Affiliated Families’ website is

    We have many Stiles and Styles pedigrees, with genetic trails, that go back to families in the British Isles. Most are from America and some from Canada, Australia and Bermuda.

    Three free kits. Our testing group is Family Tree DNA. We are offering to a males of the British Isles with the last name Stiles or Styles, one Y-DNA37 kit and two Y-DNA12 kits. Required is a documented pedigree to your paternal great-grandfather. Past these three free kits we would welcome further interest as we might be of assistance. Again, please contact us at [email protected]
    Stoalabarger Stolebarger, Stolabarger, Stolaberger, Stahlbarger, Stahlberger, or other similar variants. For further information, please contact CeCe Moore at [email protected] A free 12 marker Y-DNA test will be offered to any males carrying the STOALABARGER (or variants) surname with documented German ancestry. This offer is limited to the maximum of two tests and is made on a first-come-first-served basis.
    Stokes Stokes Derrell Oakley Teat

    [email protected]

    (2) Free Y DNA 37 marker test is available for any male STOKES who can provide ancestry at least four to five generations who is living in Scotland, Ireland, UK, or who visits the Family Tree DNA or ISOGG stands during the Who Do You Think You Are? Conferences Live or Ireland’s Back to the Past, and who is not closely related to others who have tested. (i.e, no two males from the same family such as nephew and uncle, etc
    Stokesbury Name Variations: Stokesbury, Stretchberry, Stotesbury, Stottsberry, Stuchbury, Stutchbury, Strichbury, Stooksbury, Stookesberry, and others. Ending bury/berry/bary, etc. Please contact Project Administrator for questions or further details: [email protected]

    Visit the project website at:

    Requirements: Up to two FREE Y-DNA 37-marker tests (one per person) for qualifying males with any variation of the surname, whose earliest direct-male paternal ancestor originated in England or Ireland. Subject to approval by Project administrator. (A2019)
    Stroud/Strode Stroud, Strowd, Strode, Stroad Please visit the project website at:

    edited requirements section

    The Stroud/Strode surname project will sponsor up to four 37 marker Y DNA tests for males with one of the listed Stroud/Strode variations, who currently reside in England and who have at least a three generation pedigree. In addition, assistance may be provided for persons living in other countries who can trace their direct male Stroud to a specific place in England.
    Sullivan Sullivan, Sulivant Contact Lisa R. Franklin (eMail [email protected]) for additional information and to set up kit delivery, also available at events such as 'Who Do You Think You Are?") A free Y DNA test kit is available to a male Sullivan with Irish Sullivan ancestry, particular consideration to lines with given names of Owen, Stephen, Mark, and Cornelius Sullivan.

    Also offering free Y DNA test for descendants of these specific Sullivan men in the US-

    1. Thomas J. Sullivan of Houston County, Georgia.
    2. Mark Sullivan of Columbia and Houston Counties, Georgia with connections via descendants to Bibb County.
    3. Abel Sullivan of Houston County, Georgia
    4. Thomas Sullivan who died 29 Sep 1903 in Allamakee County, Iowa.

    Please include a family tree/pedigree chart (or link to same) of your Sullivan ancestry with your inquiry to expedite processing. Thank you.

    Swann Swan, Swann For further information contact . See also the Swann DNA Project website. A free 12-marker Y-DNA test is offered to males with the surname Swan and Swann if born in the British Isles, including Ireland. The project may consider more funding, depending on the willingness of the person being tested to exchange information on their family history and take an active part in research.
    Tash Tash, Tasche, Tesh, Teshe, McIntash For more information please contact John Clement at [email protected] A free 12 STR marker Y-DNA test is available to any Tash male who resides in the British Isles and who is willing to participate in our Tash surname research by providing details for at least three generations of his paternal Tash ancestry.
    Taylor Tailor, Taler, Tayler, any spelling phonetically equivalent Ralph Taylor, [email protected],, No free tests offered at this time.
    Thompson THOMPSON, THOMSON CONTACT: FREE 12-marker YDNA test to any male with the THOMPSON (or THOMSON) surname who is a native of Scotland. Lineage chart submittal is required and free test is subject to administrator approval.
    Throop Throop, Throope, Throup, Throupe Louise Walsh Throop [email protected] Free Y DNA 37 marker test is available for any male THROOP/THROUP who can provide ancestry at least four to five generations and who is living in Scotland, Ireland, UK, or who visits the Family Tree DNA or ISOGG stands during the Who Do You Think You Are? Conferences Live or Ireland’s Back to the Past, and who is not closely related to others who have tested. (i.e, no two males from the same family such as nephew and uncle, etc
    Tigges For more information, go to Email [email protected]. Provide at least a 4-generation pedigree (names, dates, and places) and agree to share results and genealogical information with project members.
    Tripp Trip, Tripp, Tripe, Trippe Contact Tripp DNA Project Administrators o A free 37Y-DNA test to a Tripp male born in England who can provide proven English Tripp ancestry for at least 5 generations or prior to 1850.

    o Will contribute to the cost of testing direct line male descendants of James Tripp (b. 1656, RI). Preference given to descendants of sons other than Robert. o Will contribute to the cost of testing of male descendants of Charles Tripp (1784-1828) of Scarborough, Ontario and David Tripp (c1755-c1814) of Haldimand, Ontario.

    All requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. A three-generation pedigree chart must be submitted at the time of the request.

    Trout DRAUT, TRAUDT, TRAUT, TRAUTH, TRAUTZ, TROTE, TROUDT, TROUGHT, TROUP, TROUT, TROUTE, TROUTS, TROUTT, TROUTZ, TROWT, TROWTE, TRUDE, et al Craig H. Trout, project administrator, at [email protected]

    For additional information on the TROUT-DNA Research Project, see:

    Our ISOGG page at

    Our main web site at:

    To qualify for a "FREE "37-Marker Y-DNA test sponsored by the TROUT-DNA Research Project:
    • Person testing must be male with TROUT (variant) surname
      (females may have a closely-related TROUT male relative test in their behalf)
    • Only one free test per closely-related family.
    • Agree to provide either informal TROUT ancestral information or formal pedigree chart / GEDCOM at some point in the near future.
    • If not actually testing "live" at a conference. complete and return your home test kit within 30-days of approval (limited time offer).
    Tuite de Tiut, de Tuite, Tiut, Tiutt, Tiutte, Tuett, Tuit, Tuite, Tuitt, Tute For further details please contact the project administrator, John Melia

    [email protected]

    Project website:

    The project is willing to sponsor a Y37 test at FamilytreeDNA for any male Tuite who can demonstrate a paternal Tuite lineage of at least three generations and whose Tuite line comes from Meath, Westmeath or Longford.

    Will sponsor one Y37 tests at Genetic Genealogy Ireland Conference 2015 at Back to Our Past in Dublin (9-11 Oct 2015).

    Uridge Euridge, Eweridge, Ewridge, Urage, Uredge For further details contact the Project Administrator at A free Y-DNA-37 marker test is available for any URIDGE (or variant) with proven ancestry for at least 5 generations or prior to 1850, and who are not closely related to anyone already in the project.
    Walker Walker Please see the Walker Surname DNA Project for contact details at The Walker project will pay for three 37 marker Y-DNA tests for someone who can provide proven ancestry for at least 5 generations or prior to 1850, who lives in the UK or Ireland and who is not closely related to others who have tested during the gathering. (i.e, no two males from the same family such as nephew and uncle, etc.)
    Wallace Wallace, Wallas, Walles, Wallis, Wollace Contact the Wallace DNA Project Administrator, Don Wallace: 12 marker YDNA testing for the first 5 males named Wallis/Wallace or other variant who test at WDYTYA-Glasgow and can provide (desired) 5 generations of genealogical detail relating to their Wallace male line. Qualified Wallace males should be natives of Scotland/UK/Ireland and American military base births are excluded.
    Warthen/Wathen Warthen, Wathen You may contact Rob Warthen at Rob.Warthen at or check out our page on FTDNA. 67 Marker YDNA test for the first 5 males. Must provide at least 2 generations of genealogical detail relating to the Warthen or Wathen surname.
    Watling Whatling, Wattling, Watlin

    Thanks very much Chris


    Please contact Chris Girdlestone at
    Watson Watson; Wattson Gail Riddell at [email protected] Males with the surname to the left AND who have a pedigree of at least 4 generations AND who reside in the UK are invited to take a free Y-37 DNA test.
    Werth Werth (no spelling variants allowed) Phyllis Gessert Garratt, FamilyTreeDNA Werth Family Project Administrator, [email protected] Requirements: Two free 37-marker Y-DNA tests are available for men from anyplace in the world outside of the United States who visit the FTDNA or ISOGG booths at any non-US conference and who submit documentation to Project Administrator of at least four generations of direct male-line descent from a progenitor with the surname WERTH (no spelling variants allowed). Testers must be willing to join the Werth Family Project at FamilyTreeDNA and share DNA results and pedigree with the Project Administrator and other members of the Project. No closely related males from the same family or those who are closely related to current Werth Project members please.
    Wheaton Wheaton, Wheeton, Whetene, Wheten, Wheaten, Weeton, Weaton, Wetton, Whetton, Wheadon, Whedon, Wheedon, Wheden, Wheddon, Wheaden, Weedon, Weadon Contact Administrator via FREE 12 marker Y DNA Kit (or equivalent value towards a 37 marker kit) to WHEATON surnamed males with documented English or Welsh ancestry. South Wales, Devon, Somerset, Staffordshire of particular interest.(LIMIT 3 kits total) Especially interested in those from North Devon or Wales. Specific United States, Canadian and Australian Wheaton lineages may be subsidized for unrepresented lineages. Of great interest are: descendants of Christopher 1 WHEATON of Hull, MA, descendants lived near Barre, VT; Descendants of Obadiah 2 WHEATON who originally lived near Boston, MA; Descendants of John 2 of Thomas 1 WHEADON of Branford, CT. Please contact administrator for details.
    White Wight, Whyte Contact Robyn Gygi at [email protected]

    Learn more at the White/Whyte surname project website.

    Will sponsor up to ten 12-marker Y-DNA tests for White males who meet these criteria:
    • Natives of the UK, Australia, or New Zealand
    • Have male ancestry in the UK
    • Provide a lineage chart
    Whittle Whittle Contact Steve Coker at or A free Y-DNA test for Whittle men who provide a direct paternal Whittle lineage that can be documented to at least 1800.

    All testing is at the discretion of the contact person. Results will be displayed at The Whittle DNA Project. Login access to manage the DNA results will be given to the donor buying the test and the project administrators.

    Wiley Wiley, Wylie, Wyllie, etc. For further details contact Mary Wiley Campbell at [email protected]

    to discuss eligibility and make arrangements for delivery of the DNA test kit.

    A free Y-DNA-12 marker test is available for any WILEY (or variant) who turns up at the FTDNA stand at BTOP or WDYTYA and can provide proven ancestry for at least 5 generations or prior to 1850, who lives in the UK or Ireland, and who is not closely related to anyone already in the project. This offer is on a first-come first-served basis.
    Willing WILLING, WILLINGS, WILLIN For further information contact the administrator of the Willing DNA Project. A free Y-DNA test is available to any male with the name WILLING, WILLINGS or WILLIN, provided he supplies enough information about his ancestry for his results to be useful to the project.
    Wilson Wilson For additional information and to set up kit delivery, please contact Lisa (eMail [email protected]). Thank you. A free Y DNA test is being offered for a male Wilson surnamed descendant of Obadiah Wilson born between 1770 and 1774 & lived in Dobbs County, NC in 1790, Darlington County, SC in 1800-1808, Sumter and Abbeville Counties records in SC in 1810-20s and in Houston County, GA by 1830 until 1840.
    Windham Family Surname Project Windham/Wyndham Contact Marilyn Kenyon, Psy.D. [email protected]

    Windham Family Surname Project webpage:

    Offering one 37-marker Y-DNA test to a Windham male, who is a native of UK and currently resides in UK. He must agree to allow the project to publicly show his results, although his name will not be shown. He must also provide a minimum of a 3-generation pedigree, specifically showing names, dates, and locations.
    Wisley-Wisely-Wiseley Wisley, Wisely, Wiseley or other variants To contact project administrator Lucy Nelson, click on her name from the project's website to reveal her email address.

    Wisley-Wisely-Wiseley Surname Project

    The project is offering a FREE Y-37 DNA test to anyone who meets one of the below requirements:
    • Your research and/or autosomal DNA matches indicate you may be a direct male descendant of John Wisely born circa 1750 PA or
    • You are a Wisley-Wisely-Wiseley male living in the U.K., New Zealand, or Australia with ancestry from the U.K.
    Worden DNA Project Worden, Werden, Wharton and similar Please send an email to [email protected], the Worden DNA Project administrator. Go to (Worden DNA Project).

    Contact Rob Warthen at Rob.Warthen @ for more information about potential free tests.

    A New page

    There are no Free DNA kit offers available at this time.
    Wright Wright, Write, Right, Rite The WRIGHT Surname Project Administrator, Linda Magellan FREE 12-marker YDNA test to any males with the WRIGHT (and variants) surname who are natives of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Norway.* (American military base births excluded)

    Lineage submission required and subject to approval by administrator.