Version: 10.120 Date: 27 December 2015
Version History
ISOGG (International Society of Genetic Genealogy)
is not affiliated with any registered, trademarked, and/or copyrighted names of companies, websites
and organizations.
This Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree is for informational purposes only, and does
not represent an endorsement by ISOGG.
Contact person for the ISOGG Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree: Ray Banks
Main Tree: | Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2015 |
Haplogroups: | A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T |
SNPs: | Index to Y-DNA SNPs |
References: | Composite List of Papers/Presentations Cited Glossary of Genetic Terms |
Listing Criteria for SNP Inclusion into the ISOGG Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree |
Link to Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2014
Link to Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2013
Link to Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2012
Link to Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2011
Link to Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2010
Link to Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2009
Link to Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2008
Link to Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2007
Link to Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2006
The first phylogenetic chart to unify nomenclature was
published in 2002 by the
Y Chromosome Consortium (YCC). The 2003 Y-DNA phylogenetic chart
appeared in Mark A. Jobling and Chris Tyler-Smith,
The Human Y Chromosome: An Evolutionary Marker Comes of Age Nature Reviews|Genetics, Figure 5.
In 2005 Family Tree DNA created the
2005 Y-Chromosome Phylogenetic Tree. An ISOGG group was formed in November 2005 to create a web-based document
using Richard Kenyon's style of an indented list which could be
updated to keep pace with the rapid developments in the field.
Current ISOGG members who work with the tree are: Coordinator: Ray Banks.
Design team: Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Katherine Hope Borges, Alice Fairhurst, Michael Hebert, Tom Hutchison, Richard Kenyon,
Kriss Malachowski, Doug McDonald. Content experts: Abdulaziz Ali, Whit Athey, Ray H. Banks, Nigel Bond, Aaron R. Brown,
David Dowell, Neal Downing, Alice Fairhurst, Charles Fueston, Phil Goff, Vladimir Gurianov, Gareth Henson, Greg Hockings, Robert Hughes,
Tim Janzen, Youngmin JeongAhn, Mark Jost, James Kane, Kathleen Kerwin, Atanas Kumbarov, Owen Lu, Zdenko Markovic, Victar Mas,
Eugene Matyushonok, Bob May, Lawrence Mayka, Christopher McCown, Charles Moore, Stephen Parrish, Marja Pirttivaara,
Bonnie Schrack, John Sloan, David Stedman, Aaron Salles Torres, Steve Trangsrud, Leonard Trujillo, Ann Turner,
Vladimir Volkov, Michael W. Walsh, Raymond Wing, Michael McNally, Thomas Bean.
Content experts liaison with experts from various
DNA labs to determine what information is needed to amend the tree.
The Y Haplogroup classification of the male
Y-chromosome is currently used to estimate the
population group of the paternal line. The haplogroups are identified by the letters, A through T.
Haplogroups are subdivided into one or more levels, called subclades, and thus forming a tree.
The Y-chromosome haplogroup is determined by performing a sequence of SNP tests.
Each line lists a haplogroup or subclade in boldface,
then one or more SNPs follow on the same
line. For a sample to belong to a particular subclade, it must test positive for any one of the
SNPs appearing on the line, providing positive results were obtained for its haplogroup and any
intervening subclades.
SNPs development indicated by beginning letters:
A = Thomas Krahn, MSc (Dipl.-Ing.),, Houston, Texas
AD = Dr. Mohammed Al Sharija, Ministry of Education (Kuwait)
AF = Fernando Mendez, Ph.D., University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
AM = Laboratory of Forensic Genetics and Molecular Archaeology, UZ Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
B = Estonian Genome Center
BY = Big Y, Family Tree DNA, Houston, Texas
CTS = Chris Tyler-Smith, Ph.D., The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, England
DC = Dál Cais, an Irish group believed to be descended from Cas, b. CE 347, related to SNP R-L266; Dennis Wright
DF = anonymous researcher using publicly available full-genome-sequence data, including 1000 Genomes Project data;
named in honor of the genetic genealogy community
F = Li Jin, Ph.D., Fudan University, Shanghai, China
F* = Chuan-Chao Wang, Hui Li, Fudan University, Shanghai, China (Beginning letter F; second letter Haplogroup, i.e. FI
is Fudan Haplogroup I)
FGC = Full Genomes Corp. of Virginia and Maryland
G = Verónica Gomes, IPATIMUP Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia Molecular da Universidade do Porto (Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto)
GG=Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
IMS-JST = Institute of Medical Science-Japan Science and Technology Agency
K = Youngmin JeongAhn, Ph.D; Education: Seoul National University and the University of Arizona
KHS = Functional Genomics Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
KL = Key Laboratory of Contemporary Anthropology, School of Life Sciences and Institutes
of Biomedical Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
KMS = Segdul Kodzhakov; Albert Katchiev; Anatole Klyosov; Astrid Krahn; Thomas Krahn; Bulat Muratov; Chris Morley; Ramil Suyunov; Vadim Sozinov;
Pavel Shvarev; SF "National clans DNA project"; EHP "Suyun" Ph.D. of Technical Science; Prof. Elsa Khusnutdinova,
Sc.D. of Biological Sciences, Laboratory of Molecular Human Genetics, Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics,
Ufa Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences
L = Thomas Krahn, MSc (Dipl.-Ing.) of Family Tree DNA's Genomics Research Center; snps named in honor of the late Leo Little
M = Peter Underhill, Ph.D. of Stanford University
MC = Christopher McCown, University of Florida; Thomas Krahn, MSc (Dipl.-Ing.),, Houston, Texas
N = The Laboratory of Bioinformatics, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
NWT = Northwest Territory, Theodore G. Schurr, Ph.D., Laboratory of Molecular Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
P = Michael Hammer, Ph.D. of University of Arizona
Page, PAGES or PS = David C. Page, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
PF = Paolo Francalacci, Ph.D., Università di Sassari, Sassari, Italy
PH = Pille Hallast, Ph.D., University of Leicester, Department of Genetics, United Kingdom
PK = Biomedical and Genetic Engineering Laboratories, Islamabad, Pakistan
PR = Primate (gorilla and chimpanzee), Thomas Krahn's WTTY
S = James F. Wilson, D.Phil. at Edinburgh University
SA = South America, Theodore G. Schurr, Ph.D., Laboratory of Molecular Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
SK = Mark Stoneking, Ph.D., Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
SUR = Southern Ural; SF "National clans DNA project"; B.A. Muratov; EHP "Suyun" Ph.D. of Technical Sciences; Ramil Suyunov;
Prof. E.K. Khusnutdinova, Sc.D. of Biological Sciences, Laboratory of Molecular Human Genetics, Institute of
Biochemistry and Genetics, Ufa Research Centre Russian Academy of Sciences; Alexander Zolotarev; Igor Rozhanskii;
Bayazit Yunusbaev, Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics, Ufa Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences
TSC = Gudmundur A. Thorisson and Lincoln D. Stein, The SNP Consortium, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY
U = Lynn M. Sims, University of Central Florida; Dennis Garvey, Ph.D. Gonzaga University; and Jack
Ballantyne, Ph.D., University of Central Florida
V = Rosaria Scozzari and Fulvio Cruciani, Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie “Charles Darwin” , Sapienza
Università di Roma, Rome, Italy.
VL = Vladimir Volkov, Tomsk University, Russia
Y = Y Full Team (Russian) using data from published and commercial next-generation sequencing samples
YP = SNPs identified by citizen scientists from genetic tests, then submitted to the Y Full team for verification.
YSC = Thomas Krahn, MSc (Dipl.-Ing.) of Family Tree DNA's Genomics Research Center
Z = Gregory Magoon, Ph.D., Richard Rocca, Vince Tilroe, David F. Reynolds, Bonnie Schrack, Peter M. Op den Velde Boots,
Ray H. Banks, Roman Sychev, Victar Mas, Steve Fix, Christian Rottensteiner, Alexander R. Williamson, Ph.D., John Sloan
and an anonymous individual, independent researchers of publicly available whole genome sequence datasets,
and Thomas Krahn, MSc (Dipl.-Ing.), with support from the genetic genealogy community.
ZP = Peter M. Op den Velde Boots, David Stedman using Big Y and other NGS sources.
ZS = Gregory Magoon, Ph.D., Aaron Salles Torres from samples from Full Genomes and the Big Y.
Back to Y-DNA Tree Trunk Back to SNP Index Back to Papers/Presentations Cited Back to Glossary Back to Listing Criteria Copyright 2015. International Society of Genetic Genealogy. All Rights Reserved. |
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Please cite this document as follows: International Society of Genetic Genealogy (2015). Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2015, Version: [Number given at top of Main Page], Date: [Date given at top of Main Page], [Date of access: Day, Month, Year].
ISOGG Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree Coordinator: Katherine Hope Borges.