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Lorax (Borland Genetics)

From ISOGG Wiki

Lorax Module Summary

The Lorax module is one of the software modules in the Borland Genetics Web Tools and Database. This module contains classes and methods related to family tree and donor/profile management. It provides tools for managing and displaying user profiles, family tree nodes, and related events. The word "donor" appears in many class names because historically, profiles were associated with DNA donors. With the expansion of the site's tools to include family tree functionality, profiles are no longer required to be linked to any DNA kits. Additionally, the profiles of reconstructed ancestors, while linked to DNA kits, did not actually donate their DNA.

The module currently consists of the following classes:

Name Extends Description
DonorRow DataRow Core methods related to individual profiles (whether DNA donors or just family tree nodes).
DonorBatch DataBatch Performs batch operations on selected profiles.
DonorForm HTMLForm Contains HTML form elements related to profiles.
ProfileScreens Tool Contains database screens for individual profile actions.
ProfileToolbox Toolbox Provides a set of tools for profile management.
Progeny DonorBatch Contains a focus profile and the profiles of selected descendants.
Pedigree DonorBatch Contains a focus profile and the profiles of selected ancestors.
ParentChild DonorBatch Contains methods pertaining to a parent and child profile pair.
FamilyGroup DonorBatch Contains methods pertaining to the profiles of a family group.
DonorView BGUserInterface Contains core functions for displaying individual profiles.
DonorCard DonorView Displays a profile as a card.
DonorTreeNode DonorView Displays a profile as a node in a family tree.
EventRow DataRow Methods related to individual family tree events.
EventBatch DataBatch Methods related to batches of family tree events.
EventTypeTable DataTable Maps the various types of family tree events to their database codes.
EventForm HTMLForm Includes form elements related to family tree events.
RelationshipManager Tool Manages relationships between profiles.
GlobalSearch Tool Allows the user to search for a profile by performing a global database search.

Class Hierarchy and Extensibility

All classes in the Lorax module are designed to manage and display user profiles and family tree events. Some classes extend from core site modules like `DataRow`, `DataBatch`, `HTMLForm`, and `Tool`, ensuring robust data management and integration with other site functionalities.