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mitoYDNA is a YDNA and mitochondrial DNA database which is free and accessible to the public.

In 2016, with rumors of the demise of YSearch and MitoSearch (former Y and mitochondrial DNA databases), a group of genetic genealogists got together to create a new YDNA and mitochondrial DNA database. With the drive to "Do DNA Right", the group worked to create a free and accessible database and a much-needed resource for the public and most importantly to the genealogy community.

In August 2019, the new Database rolled-out with tools to do matching, comparisons and look-ups. In phase II (September 2019) of design and implementation, new tools and utilities based on community input will be added.

Mission is a website for uploading Y-DNA and mitochondrial DNA to create a YDNA and mitochondrial DNA database. The site also offers DNA matching, analysis and tools to help our users/volunteers further their genealogical research. mitoYDNA is:

  • Crowdsourced – is volunteer-driven.
  • Free –’s use will be at no cost to the users/volunteers, though donations are encouraged to defer hardware, facility and administrative costs.
  • Accessible – will be accessible to all.

The Team

For information on the who of the team please see the Team page on

mitoYDNA Ltd.

mitoYDNA Ltd., the 501(c)3 non-profit company behind the design, implementation, and ongoing upgrade and maintenance of, is a group of collaborative genetic genealogists who believe genealogists can have access to a YDNA and mtDNA database which includes Y and mtDNA testing from all available companies today and those of the future. mitoYDNA Ltd. is based on the principles of genealogical collaboration and is fully funded and supported by the Genealogical Community.

Official websites

Blog posts and articles

See also