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From ISOGG Wiki

This list of DNA testing companies is provided for information only. Inclusion on this list does not imply recommendation or endorsement by ISOGG. ISOGG welcomes additions and corrections to this list. Please contact us with the appropriate details.

Each listing includes a link to the Wiki page about the company or the company's own website. The table includes brief notations about the offerings of a company. The classification is somewhat arbitrary, as some tests can provide information for more than one purpose. For more background, see Before You Test.

  • Genealogy -- identify genetic cousins to help build a family tree
  • Deep Ancestry -- identify Y or mtDNA haplogroup of straight paternal or maternal line
  • Biogeographic Ancestry (BGA) -- identify geographic locations of multiple ancestors who contributed DNA (also known as admixture or ethnicity)

For comparisons of the testing services provided by the major genetic genealogy companies see the ISOGG testing comparison charts:

DNA testing companies

Paternity/relationship testing companies

There are a number of testing companies who specialise in paternity, relationship, identity, forensic and immigration testing. Some of these companies also offer deep ancestry and ethnicity testing as a secondary product:

DNA testing companies no longer trading

See also

Further reading


  1. The URL now redirects to, a website for "building family connections on social networks".